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Ezri suffered from a lack of time. One of the best bits of DS9 to me was where she pointed out Worf (and her predecessors Curzon and Jadzia’s) absolute rose tinted view of mainstream Klingon culture. It was well written, natural, and completely in line with the character.

Per capita, the USA is WAY worse.

this you?

They do not have the rights to the old logo. I’m hoping WotC makes the lot of them bankrupt and penniless. They’ve been truly disgusting.

Looks a lot better than grumpy Mr. Blue Lips standing around while Jeremy Irons is chewing up the scenery.

Who knew “originalism and textualist” meant “we can do the legislature’s job if we want to”.

This is just changing history. There has never, ever been 60 pro-choice Democrats in the Senate. Obama barely had the votes to pass the ACA, let alone get a controversial law passed that would have, at the time, seemed redundant given that Roe had been upheld by the court time and again at that point. There was zero

I am absolutely begging you to take a basic civics course.

And those are just the layups they’ve explicitly offered up.

Exactly this. In VA the governor tried to get this to pass and would have amounted to $2 for every 10 gallons. The issue is obviously not the tax but the price gouging.

He does when it’s himself. Remember this is the guy who is so thin-skinned he slandered an actual hero when they decided to not go with his plan for rescuing people.

I would pay 100's of dollars for a livestream of this.

And give her a healthy supply of carbon dioxide.

Recto-cranial-inversion is an insidious disease.

It’s important because this village idiot is a member of Congress.

The other thing is that Tesla has no basic cruise control (there is a basic TACC, but that’s still counted as autopilot features), so the comparative statistic for other automakers would be the number of accidents with TACC or CC on, which don’t count as Level 2 under NHTSB rules.

Can we drop her in the middle of Death Valley?

oh god youre probably right. i didnt even think of that. sucks to be them.

That just screams of Wokeness or a diversity marketing crap.