
This is basically the modern conservative experience in a nutshell right here.

As if we (Canucks) needed any more evidence this is astroturfed foreign rat-fucking, and not a grassroots Canadian movement at all.

Coffee, ejected. Refill, required. Vote, upped.

I wish they hadn’t said anything. Just let these idiots kill themselves off.

Reminder that white privilege, capitalism, and how often boys are raised in the US creates these kind of people: literal demons in suits.

I assume your engrish led you to say “last example of Tesla FUD” instead of “Latest example..” but in case you meant “last example” let me assure you we all will be pointing out Tesla’s bullshit until it finally dies in a fire of lawsuits and mistakes

No “e. All of the Above.” ?

What is causing it is really an unknown at the present time.

Rice is the worst kind of abuser; she uses her own trauma as a bludgeon to silence others and play eternal victim. She goes on about how she saw the Birmingham bombings but then proceeded to support those that aim to strip BIPOC of their rights, make LGBTQ people illegal, set the planet on fire, take away reproductive

This is absolutely true. White people are infantilized by white culture because if they feel bad, they might start asking the wrong questions or acting in a way that changes something, even if it’s just the ability of the white majority to pretend that everything is fine.

I made a conscious decision as a white father

As Richard Rothstein says in the Color of Law.

The question needs to be: Can you even make white people feel bad? The answer to that is a Hell no. I mean they shoot us in the streets and blame us for making them do it. They steal our culture and profit from it and then have the nerve to criticize us when we don’t say thank you. They use our children to make

This is the key of the entire deal.

If they didn’t want to be brainwashed, they wouldn’t be. Don’t let all those people off the hook. Yes, the news station is bad news, but you have to actively seek it out.

One point of disagreement.

He should probably be fired, along with all the upper management, and maybe the middle management. Then we can maybe see some change.

No one “made this” a Dem v. Rep issue other than Republicans.

No one “made this” a Dem v. Rep issue other than Republicans. They literally celebrated stalling out vaccination at CPAC, and they’ve been pushing anti-vaxx propaganda as “just asking questions” for months, ever since they decided it could fuel their voters and keep them angry at Biden.

Dems, media and experts all

This is the most sea-lion post in the history of sea-lioning. Only the first sentence isn’t a question. I’d be tempted to say you’re trolling, but I’m never sure these days. Anyway, Ben Shapiro is, as they say, a stupid man’s idea of what a smart man looks like. He’s made his career on hassling college freshmen and