
The best thing to come out of the complete crash & burn of crypto will be the miners having to give up mining bitcoin and lower the energy consumption to mine bitcoin.

No, this is not a natural rebalancing of the planet, as it’s taking place in decades instead of thousands of years or eons. If this was a natural rebalancing, it would take a few thousand to a few tens of thousand of years to come about.

They might not be as high as they were, but there’s some truth to the idea that crypto probably isn’t dropping to zero anytime soon. There’s a hard core of true believers who buy aggressively during downturns, plus a number of rich folks who really want to cash out as a higher level and so hype up this stuff when

Not having bothered to get into the whole crypto craze, from the outside looking in, it just seems to have been yet another ‘tech bubble’ technology that ended up over promising and under delivering.

Musk is the type of person that watched the movie Elysium and thought what a great idea it was, and that it would be simple as hell to do.

It’s no real surprise that it’s all about God in red states anymore. They want people to believe the bullshit lie that all of the horrible things that happen are due to people ‘turning away from God’. Which allows them to sweep the actual problems that cause these horrible things to happen under the rug and down the

That’s the problem with the US legal system. They don’t have a problem if the wealthy want to screw over the little guys. But when it’s another multi-millionaire or billionaire’s money that’s being screwed with?  They’ll go after them like a shark on a bleeding seal.

I expect that the biggest reason that these ‘non-psychologists’ calling gender dysphoria a mental illness is they want a reason to take children from their families and put them in mental wards. Mainly so that said children can have it beaten out of them.

That could work, but again, it would require a literal fleet of spacecraft to be sent to Mars to do it. Mainly due to needing ways to dig up the soil and form it into some sort of concrete, etc. Along with a way of possibly putting up pre-formed domes to live under.

Paying off a loan for something you bought is not “indentured servitude”. Am I an indentured servant because I have a mortgage, car loan, student loan, and occasionally credit card debt from traveling?

People keep forgetting that. Musk also hasn’t explained exactly where people are going to live on Mars, as it would cost a massive amount of money to send housing materials along with any group that went.

So, it’s basically a lot like mining bitcoin, but without the massive power consumption? I mean, I don’t know, it’s possible that it east up as much power as mining, but I would doubt it.

I get where you’re coming from, but what worries me with that is employers could get an entire medical background on you, and if they find you have an expensive chronic illness, they could deny you work.

The problem is that overturning Roe the way Alito has decided it will basically get rid of any and all personal privacy for all citizens of the US (well, unless you’re wealthy enough to be able to pay for said privacy).  It will probably end up voiding many laws that were passed based on the concept of personal

The fallout to Roe being struck down is much more wide ranging than people realize.

Most of these people that lie about ‘living their life for Christ’ are doing just that. They use their so-called beliefs as a shield to hide behind while they hold some of the most repugnant personal beliefs that a human could have. I should know, I’ve dealt with these types of assholes in the past.

Oh, I don’t disagree.

It’s actually upsetting that they didn’t go all Jim Jones, no joke.

He’s on the side of the people who founded this country.

It does if you want to have the actual power to enact change. Otherwise, all you have is anarchy, as no group will ever agree on anything.