
Of course they can’t.  They’re salty as hell because they can’t find any more suckers to fund their crypto scam.

To me, crypto just looks like a more updated and flashy version of the old pyramid schemes of the 70's and 80's.

The only bright spots were Picard’s pep talk to Young Picard. That Stewart guy can act. (Although I think it would have been easier for him to say “Hey, my name’s Picard too. I think we are distantly related” ) and the idea that maybe Q’s plot wasn’t actually to get Young Picard to drop out but to get Soong to

It blows my mind how much Evangelical Christians would *despise* Jesus.

I’d argue that their sanity should be called into question if their ‘arguments’ are nothing more than “Gawd told me I could, therefore we’ll do it”.

I fucking hate this goddamn country. I loathe the ineptitude and cowardice of the Democrats, but I guess I have to keep fucking voting for them. Fuck. Nothing matters. Nothing means anything. Why the fuck even bother?

I said to friends that I expect to see someone try to put the Civil War amendments (13th-15th) before the SCOTUS with the argument that they were wrongly decided and should be considered null and void.

Based on who the AG of the Commonwealth of VA is now, expect to see that somehow put forward so that they can get it to the SCOTUS before the 2024 elections.

Not a surprise, unfortunately. There are quite a few assholes in political power in the US that would just adore turning the nation of Canada into an autocratic hellhole like they’re trying to do here.

You were right on everything other than where it came from. Most oil and gas products are the result of millions of years of plant life being broken down into either item (so definitely not dinosaur farts, however funny that thought is).

And it can easily be justified. It would save and protect more US citizens compared to what a squadron of B2 bombers ever could.

Actually, it is. If the Republicans have their way (and gain enough control of the federal government) expect to see things like the ‘company store’ to come back into style.

Everything in America is a scam.

I get the feeling if Kotick is removed, he’ll find a way to take down Blizzard with him.

What’s worse is that if any of us posting here ever made a video of us using another video to say that we should kill a co-worker (or commit any violence against them), we’d not only be thrown out on our ass from our job, but more than likely be looking at jail time for making terroristic threats.

However, because Congress is broken, Gosar gets to sit there and laugh with no consequences, because the GOP is spineless and truly has no bottom.

Continuing to burn (slightly cleaner) fossil fuels will reduce emissions more than all the alternatives that involve not burning fossil fuels? These clowns need to learn what “rational” means.

Then tell them the truth so they can have a shot at being better white people.

They don’t care. The bulk of them will be dead by the time the shit hits the fan, and they either hate their kids and grandkids, or expect that they’ll have enough money to move to New Zealand or some other country that won’t get hit as badly.

Fox News grew out of the belief (on the right) and Roger Ailes need to push propaganda as news. He hated the fact that Nixon was ever found guilty of anything that he did while President (and in fact supported everything), and realized that the one and only way to get the public to support near and actual