
-If they call 911 The Dora Milaje will show up and beat their asses for calling the police on another unsuspecting innocent black person

But it must be clear, crystal clear at all levels to all people, why they are doing this, because investigating your political opponents for potentially criminal behavior is banana republic stuff, and they have absolutely forced Democrats into this position.

So, are you seriously arguing that the Democrats are doing this for the same reasons that Trump and his criminal cadre did?

Why would they cast it wide? They want to know which members of the House and Senate may have had anything to do with what happened on 1/6/21. If they did nothing, they won’t be bothered in the least (since they won’t need those lawmakers phone records/texts/etc.).

The biggest reason the Republicans are doing this is their hopes that they will be running the show after the 2022 midterms.  They will do everything in their power to bully the telecom companies to do nothing until after 2022.

Then you aren’t looking hard enough. These are the people that were more than willing to allow the disease to run rampant in big cities because “Hey, it’s gonna kill off them Dimmycrats!” Hell, the previous administration even admitted to that back in the early days of the pandemic.

The worst thing is, if people even had the barest bit of scientific knowledge, they might understand that there couldn’t be anything that might go wrong, as mRNA is just a messenger, and once it delivers its ‘payload’, all it does is teach your immune system to identify the virus and make antibodies that will bind to

Oh, agreed. But right now it would requires the resources of more than one nation to be feasible to actually do. At least until we either have a base on the Moon or at a Lagrange point.

Probably closer to mining the asteroid belt would be considered astronomical in cost.  The Moon would end up being a steal as far as cost, as it’s only about half a week away.  The asteroids, however, would probably take at least a year there and another back.

If they’re actually doctors, they need to have their licenses pulled and be banned from ever practicing medicine anywhere in all 50 states.

When I saw the giant star monster, all I could think of was “They’re adding Starro to this film?”

Facebook hasn’t been coy about that they are more than willing to enable the right wing noise machine.  They go out of their way to game their own systems to do just that.  Hell, Zuck’s just pissed off that Trump didn’t win last year, since he hoped to be the head of propaganda under a Trump regime.

They should not have bumped the climate change story in favor of Branson’s joy ride. But like it or not the space race had broad reaching technological advances including computers, telecommunications, the internet, and obviously rocket science and will continue to do so. Better to have some billionare footing the

They need their martyr to rally around for the next try at insurrection.  Anyone who doesn’t believe that they’ll try again is delusional.

Pretty sure this idea was already covered in Dune.

You probably don’t get the flu vaccine either, right?

Yeah, I love dealing with people that complain about me wearing a mask when they argue “Don’t you know? The pandemic is over! You don’t need to wear those anymore! “ I just roll my eyes and head on my way.

True, but going based on what I know about the costs, it gets quite expensive.  Especially if you have to purchase more licenses (unless that changed, in the past, you got a certain number of licenses with your normal cost, and then got charged more if you needed more licenses if your number of staff increased (and

Probably nothing for the home user. But I would expect there to be a substantial charge for the Enterprise (aka business) version. That’s where they make the most money.

These are people that will be long dead and gone before the planet starts to really become uninhabitable over large swathes of its surface.  So they really don’t care so long as they get rich now, and screw the future.