
There’s a reason why Berman was unlovingly referred to as the ‘Great Turd if the Galaxy’ by many Star Trek fans. The way he treated the shows and many of the cast being the biggest.

While I agree that 99% of this Administration’s been a corrupt cluster-fuck, Dr. Birx seems somewhat level-headed...consolidating all of the case information into one database is actually a great idea (something they should have done from the start), but handing over a non-competitive government contract to one

Perhaps his human skin suit chafes a lot if he’s forced to wear a mask?  Or he’s worried it will tear and prove he’s a lizard person, perhaps?

Any nurse that buys into such bullshit (or worse, tries to use it on patients), should be stripped of their license and unable to become a nurse again.  Same goes for any doctors that are that goddamned stupid.

Exactly. After having gone quite a few times (and almost always coming home with Con Crud no matter how many precautions we could take), the thought of adding the possibility of COVID to the mix would just be asking for a super-spreader event, no matter how much they could have promised precautions.

You’d be surprised, but having lived in NJ for 30+ years before moving in 2000, I can tell you that it certainly has its share of bigots and racists. Just go far enough in the northern part of the state (Warren & Sussex counties) or south into the Pine Barrens and you’ll think you ended up in some part of Mississippi

Except for the fact that the bulk of most R&D is covered by government grants. Which means anything they make by selling the drug is pure profit.

Katrina was the warning. A warning the government did not listen to.

You’ve got to love Death Cult Capitalism©®™

So why don’t we lock down for the flu? I mean it is about peoples lives right? Even if with vaccines and treatments millions are infected and thousands die. What about their lives? Surely more people would live if we locked down from Sept - June. People get sick, people die. We can try to minimize that but we

The fact that there are people that think it’s safe to mix bleach and ammonia out there makes me realize how truly dumb a lot of Americans are.

Which is one reason why, sadly, a rather famous author had this to say about it:

Yet when he was running for president, one of the most infamous stops he made was a fair only 7 miles from Philadelphia, Mississippi (where 3 civil rights workers were murdered in 1964) where he gave a ‘states rights’ speech.

Ir’s not even the bare minimum, in reality. It’s all a PR move in the hopes that people will believe that Zuck will do something about what’s going on with Facebook.

Part of that is due to the police agencies moving from wanting those with an educations and the ability to learn to de-escalate to wanting people who are able to follow orders given without question.

Wow, I didn’t know all of the nasty details behind this (having only heard bits and pieces of what happened through social media), but these are people that maybe shouldn’t even have their own natural children with them? They sound like horrible parents, and it’s just downright cruel what they did to their adopted

Police departments these days don’t want officers that are intelligent, or are willing to learn to de-escalate. They want people who are able to take and carry out orders. That’s it.

The police really really don’t want to make an enemy of the public, because when that happens you end up with guerrilla warfare, and if cops thought their jobs were dangerous before, they’d having to be thinking about booby traps and ambushes every second they’re walking the streets

A leader (any leader) of a nation using social media to basically engage in what would normally be considered stochastic terrorism if anyone else did it is and should always be wrong. It’s not free speech, it can easily be a call to arms for those who support said leader to actively target and kill those who they see

Not just that, but I’d wager a lot of the people who are offering the regular Switch for wildly inflated prices are also not actually sending them to people when they order them.