
The problem is, a. he’s the husband of a Democratic governor and b. he politely asked if it made a difference telling the slip/dock master that he was the husband of the governor to get his boat in faster, and was politely told no (and then the dock master took to FB to bitch about it).

Also, realize that the biggest reason they went into bankruptcy is to protect the bonuses and severance of upper management when/if thing go tits up.

The other reason why the party in control of the US government isn’t rushing to do anything to stem the pandemic is that to them, since it’s hitting minorities harder than White America, they don’t care. To them, it’s a solution to deal with a part of the American public that they’ve never really cared about before,

Unfortunately, that’s not far from the truth. I’ve had the unlucky chance to talk to people who say they’re fans of Star Trek, yet love the way the US government is run right now and think that making the country a lot more white is a great thing.

Interesting that you feel the need to attack a teenager, someone with very little actual power other than her voice, compared to getting angry with the assholes running the US government (and some others) that continue to say screw it to the planet when they actually have the power to do something.

The biggest reason why the wealthy and powerful don’t care? Mainly due to the fact that they’re of the belief that they’ll be dead by the time the check comes due, so they won’t have to suffer through it like the rest of the world.

I have to say though that this is really nowhere near as bad as Code of Honour, which was universally referred to by everyone who worked on it as “The Racist Episode.” Brannon Braga thought it was so horrific he refused to watch TNG again until he was hired to work on it three years later, and had to quickly

Well, they actually did bring the story up again, it just went in a different direction.

It used to be that if an employer took the money that was supposed to be a tip from their workers, that was a crime called theft. But to you, it’s just the cost of doing business and having a job where your bosses will fuck you over 5 ways from Sunday, eh?

She’s way too damn aligned with this administration to want to do her job. That’s why she voted present.

Jason wasn’t commenting on the people that just don’t like it, but the very vocal minority of people that active stated that the reason they hated the new show was that it was too much SJW and that it didn’t hew to what they were trying to push as the ‘true’ Trek.

Based on the fact that his higher ups turned a blind eye to what he was doing before a large contingent of his unit turned him in, I would worry that the Navy might fuck up the people who did their duty instead of Gallagher.

Now it comes out just as a fighting through conflict dark space opera that the world is absolutely filled of. The whole thing feels a bit depressing honestly if this is some kind mirror to our society and what Star Trek is now.

They’ve been masters of ‘disaster capitalism’ since at least the late 70's. Create a self-made disaster (or hope for a natural one), then don’t do anything and allow private business and the financial sector to take over the processes of dealing with them.

Also, there was a story about how former President Obama was due to visit Greenland a few weeks after Trump, and supposedly Trump’s handlers thought it would be a bad idea to have him go and then have his visit compared against Obama’s.

Part of it, I believe, is that many of the people who support him don’t care if the world burns, because in their mind God will save them all and the ‘unclean’ will be left behind to suffer.

Actually, it was more along the lines of Abrams wanting to make a Star Wars film, but was given Star Trek. So he basically made a Star Wars movie in the Trek universe.

Vote for me in 2020, and I’ll be sure that the first thing I sign is an official order stating that Trump will be placed in a rocket and shot into the sun. Of course, then followed by nullifying all of his EO’s immediately.

I’d just worry that said evidence mysteriously ‘goes missing’ in the next few days.

Wow. Now I know why my wife used the term ‘All Hawkers are bastards’. Glad I don’t ever plan to visit Kansas if they’re all assholes like you.