
They want to be able to sell tainted meat, there is more profit in it

I’ve said on multiple occasions that McConnell is the bigger threat to America than Trump. If Trump is replaced, and McConnell remains in power, nothing changes.

I don’t know why Republicans have such a fetish for attacking SNAP, given it’s more useful than it costs dollar-to-dollar, but they do.

Libertarians have no problem if the full weight of government is used on other people. It’s only that they don’t want the government bothering them.

Trump is just the ‘useful idiot’. He’s out there providing cover for the rest of the Republican party while they turn the US into an authoritarian nightmare.

If you can believe it, it was a Canadian publication.  But it seems it’s one that is owned by a New Brunswick family that treats the media like Sheldon Adelson does here in the US.

I doubt Greenwald was ever an actual ‘liberal’ at all. He’s always come off to me as more of a libertarian trying to act like a liberal.

It is not the internet that was the mistake. The internet is a tool, like a book or a hammer or a backhoe. The mistake was not recognizing what what humanity would DO with it, as with everything else, in another vane and misguided attempt to slake our insatiable collective greed. The mistake, mirrored countless times

And sadly, he saw this coming quite clearly in his book A Demon Haunted World. He saw the dumbing down of society, and also how it was being helped along by those in power.

Oh,’re ‘just asking questions’, right?

You’ve obviously never worked for a non-union shop before when a union is trying to make its way in, have you?

Actually, the biggest reason for companies to switch to automation at this point is that we don’t allow slave labor in the US (outside of what we have within the US penal system, that is).

Franklin might want to read the new testament. Jesus was a real hippy, loving the poor and ostracized. Franklin is an old testament Christian.

Why?  I’m sure Putin suggested it because they get rid of Assange (who Russia doesn’t need anymore) and if they’re successful, silence the US media completely (since if they succeed, no journalist would ever publish anything that the government is doing in secret since they would be charged as an enemy of the state).

The purity caucus had less impact on this election than on the previous one. Yes, it was dumb. But it wasn’t some huge group, and it wasn’t abnormal. Remember the PUMAS? They got about the same coverage as “Bernie Bros” and arguably had a bigger impact.

Answering the question how will this impact life as we know it, is very difficult.

Another one that lost it’s meaning (a political party or movement with strong militaristic and hierarchy-leaning leaders that promote a single party state of a right wing design).

Found the guy perfectly willing to let the Holocaust repeat itself.

Dorsey is just another wealthy ‘Objectivist/’lolbertarian’ asshole who somehow gets people to continue to give him money for a service that hasn’t made much.

If I remember correctly, that’s exactly what they did. Neither of them were available to shoot the scene at the same time so they did it with two separate takes, then kludged it together (at least, that’s what I remember reading as far as that scene went).