
People also forget that you don’t need radioactive material solely for a nuclear bomb. They could also use it to create multiple ‘dirty bombs’ that would irradiate an area and cause mass chaos.

Well, there it is.

And there were some ‘favored’ Jews that Hitler and the Nazis allowed to not only live, but serve in the party.  Not many, but they obviously had no problems with the fact that their fellow Jews were being sent to die.

I have to wonder if his family has disowned him, based on the comments about them.

Oh, it’s worse than that. He wants these idiots there so that they force the Fed to take interest rates into the basement (or negative if they can find a way). That way, when the inevitable recession comes along, there won’t be any way to deal with it, as interest rates will already be so low that the Fed has nothing

I would wager that much like the flags that were left behind (which are now completely white in color if they’re still standing), it’s probably doubtful that any biologic material is still there. The radiation and near absolute zero temperatures would have destroyed it within a decade or so.

Truthfully, I have to wonder how long it will be before these particular Republicans try to have the Sgt. at Arms or the Capitol Police come in and remove Schiff from the House.

And I don’t think they actually care about the people who would be sent. By rushing something of this magnitude, we could be looking at something that could have deadly consequences (far and above even the two shuttle accidents and the fate of Apollo 1).

Well, at least it proves you have a simple mind, if nothing else.

I can tell you right now that based on how much I pay and how much my job pays for my health care insurance for my family, it would cost way less if we had a universal system in the US that was supported by taxes.

How is it misleading? These are regular people who are making the comments, not some economist or health care expert explaining it.

OK, since you and a few others are too fucking stupid to understand this point, I’ll explain it in small words.

Really? I guess you go around with some of your buddies beating the shit out of people younger than you, eh? Would explain why you see nothing wrong with a grown man and a few of his thugs beating the shit out of a 17 year old (that was quite a bit smaller, and probably weaker than they were).

And anyone that thinks the senator’s reaction was equal force (coupled with his thugs) must regularly beat the living shit out of kids for funsies.

So, a dumbass proves it beyond the shadow of a doubt, and the supposed reason for him being a dumbass is due to Trump buying him a meal (probably cold hamberders and fries....or a really well done steak with ketchup and a diet Coke).

This makes a lot of sense if you want to end up taking over these tech companies when they won’t do what you expect them to do.

If that’s the case, maybe we should be having legal actions taken against the parents for being unfit to raise their kids safely? Maybe if some parents lose their rights to their children, after putting their lives at risk (as they did in this story), maybe some of them will grow a clue.

Glad I wasn’t the only one to think of that particular episode.

It’s possible they do care, but they sure as hell aren’t showing it by actively working against protecting their kids. This rank stupidity and actively working against those who actually do know better than them is the fault of the right wing and their endless assault on education and intelligence the last 3-4 decades

Take your faux outrage and shove it so far up your festering ass that it comes back out your mouth.