
Vaccines today are safer than they have ever been. The people that try to argue that vaccines are dangerous are making a facile argument with no basis in reality.

These are people that don’t care about their kids, much less the rest of the nation.  They would’t give a damn if someone from their state created a nationwide outbreak, just so long as no one ‘tramples ‘der freedums!’

I’d say to flag him/her for harassment. it’s obvious that he/she is either trolling big time, or engaging in active harassment against posters.

His boot? I’d wager cofn42 is tongue-punching Kotick’s asshole.

Corporations used to be able to make money and not do everything they could to inflate their stock prices. Hell, they used to actually roll profits back into the company and the employees.

No, the fault with shareholders is they demand ever more money out of companies each year, instead of viability of the company itself. And CEO’s like Kotick are more than happy to do so. These people running the companies only care about how they can inflate the stock price, not how can they position the company to

Seriously?  Kotick is yet another in a long line of vampire CEO’s.  He’ll drain Blizzard of every bit of worth and then throw them on the trash heap.  All he cares about is whatever money he can drain out of a name or product.

Then perhaps we need to start treating not vaccinating your kids as a form of child abuse? When these parents start losing custody of their kids for actively putting them at risk, maybe some of these adults will get it through their heads that they’re being stupid?

I have to agree with this idea. If these fucking imbeciles feel the need to put the rest of society at risk with their stupidity, then maybe removing them from polite society and finding some isolated island or area is the best thing to do. That way, sooner or later, they’ll either get it in their heads that they’re

You really have your head firmly wedged up your ass, don’t you?

You’re kidding, right? A new treaty under this administration? They’re not about doing things that make sense, so treaties to them are a sign of weakness. This is especially being done so that Russia can start to seriously threaten their neighbors and the MIC in the US can make bank on emptying the Treasury to build

The problem, it seems with many Splinter writers, if their belief that both the Republicans and the Democrats are just two sides of the same coin.  So it’s easier to give them shit for doing nothing or giving in to Trump than to actually read about what they are proposing compared to what Trump is demanding.

Jack doesn’t give a shit about people who are threatened on Twitter due to their sexual orientation, their sex, or their beliefs. I have many friends who have had death threats sent to them over Twitter, and when they report it, they get a reply back saying that ‘no Twitter rules were violated’ by these threats.

You don’t need to be an agent to be an asset. So long as someone is willing to do things that weaken the US and strengthen Russia, they’ll use you.

Look at the fascist, everyone. Look at them and laugh in their fetid fucking face.

I love the national parks. I’d prefer them to remain closed if they are not getting proper funding. Humans are idiots animals, those funds are needed to keep them at bay.

Truthfully, I have to wonder if he and his grifting family have found a way to funnel some of that money into Trump, Inc.  Otherwise, it would explain why very little of it has actually been spent (in that, he can’t personally benefit from it).

This is a feature, not a bug. The Republicans are finally able to use a shutdown to get the government down to a size that they can drag it to a bathtub and drown it completely.

We need to stop spending so much government money on entitlement programs and invest more in our transportation and information infrastructure.

Thank you for your intelligent comments (that is, completely without evidence or facts). I mean, you’re basically making arguments that some guy who you heard talk told you everything is rosy and nothing bad is going to happen, without identifying the person in question any exactly why they don’t see anything bad