
Republicans only care that troops go to fight (and hopefully die).  They hate the idea that money has to be spent to put our troops back together should they survive combat operations, as it should be used for important things.  Like shoveling it to the producers of war materiel and the Pentagon.

Trump (and I’m sure the Republicans as well) don’t give a shit that these men & women might be endangered by what Trump did.  In their minds, they see soldiers as nothing more than pieces on a large board, and have no problems if they don’t come back (since then they don’t have to shell out money to put them back

This is not the end, it’s not close to the end. We will survive, it is not an extinction event.

Sadly, I saw this coming a mile away. I commented to friends after it passed that “Watch as the state legislature decides that the people of the state are basically children, and they disregard the results completely.” And now this story comes out.

That’s not what I was trying to say. I would love it if the broadband providers actually did what they were supposed to with the money given to them by the federal government. But if you look at what has actually been done by them over the years, they have found ways to divert that money from building new broadband

Well, the FCC does give the money to be used for expanding broadband to those areas, but for the most part, the broadband providers have been using that money to enrich themselves and stockholders and letting broadband service sit and wither. Especially in many rural areas.

It’s also possible that there are animal farms near where the lettuce is being grown.  Seeing as how a lot of chicken and pig farms are extremely bad about dealing with the waste the animals produce, it could be that when it rains, the areas that they collect the waste in overflow and the water mixed with waste ends

Sadly, Mr. Asimov had the right of it with his comments.

This is the generation that has never known an America that faced a serious threat, foreign or domestic. It’s the generation for whom history had already ended before they’d become adults, all the battles that needed to be fought had been fought. Which means that their only real obligation in their life has just

Amazing how things never change as far as the Trump party (formerly known as the Republicans). They send in a bunch of staffers in 2000 to demand that recounts stop, and 18 years later, they go out of their way to continue to do the same old, same old.

I’d agree with you on that since the Costco that we go go regularly has things like baking goods, spices, cooking oil and other canned and boxed food items in the same place, and the spot they’re in hasn’t changed since the store opened almost 3 years ago.

Big ticket items do definitely move around a lot, but usually

I read a lot of what Plait writes, and he would come right out and call you a dick. Seriously, stop or STFU and go back to your dacha.

I was just reading the other day that one of the reasons why Trump is putting it out there that illegal things are being done in our elections (and blatantly blaming the Democrats), is so that they can state that they disregard the elections that Democrats win as unlawful.

I’d like to believe that, I really would. But I believe that if it gets to that point, Trump and crew will be disregarding the Posse Comitatus and sending the military in to police areas.

That does fit well with the other conservative value: Ignore social/civil rights issues unless they effect someone you love (ie changing your mind about marriage equality when one of your kids comes out of the closet).

From everything I’ve read about McConnell, it makes perfect sense. He’s never wanted to be in government to actually do the work of governing. That’s way too hard. He’s wanted to be where he is for the power, wealth and prestige.

Much like Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley wishes beyond all doubt to be a ‘white’ person, and like Jindal does everything she can to fit in with the rest of her party. And I’m sure so long as she pisses off enough of the ‘wrong’ people, they’ll continue to treat her like one.

To the people who make that accusation, he was a black man who was president. That should never have happened, therefore he was a dictator. To them, the only ‘real’ presidents are all white and male.

It’s the Republican way of population control. They are wealthy enough to live in areas with little to no pollution and/or can afford the necessary technology to deal with it. The rest of us (who aren’t independently wealthy), not so much.