
This is the best way I’ve seen them described:

You obviously don’t get out much, do you. Or read history.

Answer me one simple question. Why are you gaslighting this thread? I’ve been reading your comments, and after going through them (and having dealt with it in the past) you’re gaslighting.

Listening to you droning on about the same BS over and over, and attacking someone you hardly know, maybe you should be the one forced into a hazmat suit and sent to clean up toxic waste.

The reality is, I expect a turnabout from Manchin much like the state governor pulled. I expect him to be reelected, and then turn around and state he’s leaving the Democratic party to become a Republican.

Yeah, I’m starting to hate white women. And I am one.

Pretty much. And instead of moving forward with impeaching Kavanaugh off of the bench he presently sits on, they’re still doing their damnedest to put his ass on the SCOTUS.

I’m reminded of the Orwellian state that cropped up on Earth in the Babylon 5 episode of ‘The Deconstruction of Falling Stars’. While what they were doing is far and above the technology that we have today, it’s exactly what I thought of (and think of) every time I see a story about deepfakes.  Creating an image of a

Why would you expect people to talk to you when on the average there are just as many cops who lean on those people they’re questioning for minor infractions so that they can make their quotas?

Or, they’ll (foolishly) believe that we’ll have an Elysium style space station where they’ll be able to live in comfort.  Either that, or they truly believe that it’s fine to destroy the planet since their magical sky fairy will save them from the destruction.

You’re completely right. One of the problems that I see is that too many of the people that buy into the Comicsgate, or Gamergate, or any of this toxic bullshit are the people that equate the old pulp novels with science fiction & fantasy.

The problem with that is, knowing some of the more toxic members of the gaming culture, they would have gone into the discussion with the sole purpose of destroying it and doing everything they could to make any discussions toxic. They don’t want any narrative out there but their own, since they feel they’re right,

It’s no surprise, really. The ISP’s have been taking in federal funds for years (those funds which were given to them to strengthen the internet infrastructure and ‘backbone’), but not using them for the reason they were given. Net neutrality was ending up forcing them to use those funds for their actual purpose.

Most conservatives I’ve met in my life have felt that way for only a very small number of people.

Much like anything distributed over the internet, I figure it will only be a matter of time before these files are disseminated all over the place through file sharing sites and the dark web.

I say send them without space suits if it’s a one way trip.

I’m also pretty sure that agreements were made once the major powers got into space stating that no one nation could claim another planet or satellite as it’s own property.

Also remember Sisko’s rant about how some in the Federation had forgotten what the rest of the galaxy was like, when dealing with his friend and the Maquis. The comment that Earth was almost a ‘paradise’ when world on the border of Federation and Cardassian space were anything but.

The people that defend this type of culture were probably taught that women are nothing more than mere objects of desire, put there for men’s needs. They’re stunted man-children, and they refuse to ever grow out of being that way.

Sadly, this has been going on even before video, console and computer games. I remember

Why should that matter?  The reality is that if people were paying attention, she has always been willing to use anyone and anything to guarantee the survival of the Forsaken.  Even back in Vanilla, she was willing to go to any lengths to find ways to grow the numbers of her people (or to find ways to kill off the