
That doesn’t matter, what matters is that there are people that believe every bit of what he says and decide to take action on it.

This isn’t me defending the company or management, I’m just saying you can’t control for them when choosing a job. What you can control for is your own education and work ethic. The best solution to solving this problem for you is to make sure you don’t end up in a job like this in the first place.

In some ways, that’s hard unless you are growing certain things in your backyard (and I don’t know many people that grow all their vegetables these days).

I think part of it is that the companies aren’t exactly doing their best when it comes to quality control anymore. If we have to suffer a lot longer under this particular administration, I expect we’ll be back to the way things were before Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle within a very short time.

I’m pretty sure if it was up to him, the people at the bottom should be shouldering the 80% while the people at the top should only have to part with a piddling 5% of their money as taxes (although they’d tell you that they should be able to keep it all since they ‘worked for it’..even though the bulk of money that

The biggest reason they do things like this is that they can’t just declare the Democratic party either an illegal party or terrorists.

The problem here being, he’s a present day Republican, so he’ll rag on his parents for not supporting him instead of taking the time to be a little bit introspective.

When I see stupidity like the comments that Musk made, there’s a part of me that wishes it was a lot easier to sue people for making baseless and foul statements.  No matter how fucking rich they are.

True. It was annoying to me that Abrams totally ignored some of the rules of Trek that have been around forever. From Kirk’s time to Picard and beyond, you could only use the transporter for relatively short distances and in most cases line of sight. Then Abrams first two movies came along and now they are

Probably one of the few people that I would punch square in the face on principle should I ever meet him.

Nope, Judge Downer did the right thing. Sorry if you don’t like it.

If you think the guy you replied to is bad, you should see Twitter. It seems you can’t have a woman take a part (that they think should be a man) or a PoC get a gig as the musician for a soundtrack unless you’re a ‘social justice warrior’.

It’s disaster capitalism. its the same damn thing that they’re doing to Puerto Rico right now. Basically, let everything fall apart or go to shit, then get rid of the people and buy up the land, businesses, whatever at fire sale prices.

These days., I try to keep up with independent journalists. They seem to be the only ones that have been trying their damnedest to tell what is actually going on. A lot of the regular mass media is trying their best to be willing collaborators with the administration, or argue that both sides are just as bad.

It’s one reason why I said fuck it and stopped even subscribing to the Post. They are trying to normalize our descent into an authoritarian nightmare.

Asylum seekers can also present themselves at a port of entry to legally ask for asylum.

What makes you think I give a fuck? I really, really don’t like Musk, and I especially don’t like the near Messianic treatment that so many of his fanboys give him.

I should have known better than to bad mouth their techno-Messiah.

Which is why I expect that it will stay vaporware for the foreseeable future.

Yeah... the guy who managed to build the first reusable rocket and land it on a floating barge never delivers... wtf