
He’s good at overpromising, but I doubt he’ll be able to deliver. And if he somehow is able to deliver, it will be a helluva lot more than he bid.

I’m sorry? You start off with a slew of misogynist bullshit (you are against a woman for standing with their husband even after that husband had an affair? Wonder how many fucking times you’ve been married). Then follow up with stating that Trump is responsible for this economy (even though we haven’t seen the results

Ah yes...

We’re doing stuff now that if it keeps up, the US will go down in history along with such wonderful luminaries like the Nazi party, Pol Pot, and the former Soviet Union.

It’s their offensive to write Obama out of American history completely. I commented to a friend that Trump and the Republicans won’t stop until they get enough people to believe that Obama was illegally President, and therefore everything he did was ripe to be changed by them.

A ‘blackout party’? He just might get one.

It’s less ‘playing the refs’ and more wanting to normalize the use of federal governmental power against those people, businesses, and agencies that they don’t like, or that don’t ally themselves with the Republican party.

Dehumanizing a innocent group is a BAD thing.

Why not just admit that you have no problem saying that certain members of the human race lose their humanity once they do something you disagree with. No one is arguing that the gang members aren’t gang members, but to go out of the way to argue that they aren’t human is a literal slippery slope you don’t want to go

They are funded by people with very deep pockets and the power to bend lawmakers ears more than the majority of citizens can.

What worries me is that I happen to work for a hospital that has ‘weapons free zone’ plastered on every external door. But, I have heard some people start to argue that it ‘infringes on their rights’ for my employer to do that, and I dread the day that someone chooses to sue and win the right to pack heat on the

I mean what do you say at this point?

Ahh, I see. That should have gone to chemiclord, not you.

The Republican party then thanks you for staying home and helping them to become even more entrenched.

You do realize that taking that way of thinking, you are playing right into the right wings hands? They want the Democrats to fight one another, simply due to the fact that it ends up guaranteeing they’ll win.

Hey, I’m sure that once the Republicans gain enough seats in federal and state houses to call a Constitutional Convention that the time will be ripe for the Progressives to finally shout out, “See?”

Primary the Dems that voted in ways you don’t like. But don’t pretend a Republican is the better option.

I get that its hip to say that Americans are stupid, but I bet if you were to compare the educational backgrounds of the American to the EU panel, the American panel would consist of far more graduates of elite universities.

Dear GAWD, that looks awful.

Trump, his administration, and the Republicans don’t give a shit about our allies anymore. At least they don’t if those allies don’t bow down before every decision we make unquestioningly, that is.