
As I personally work in the healthcare field dealing with PHI, it’s sad to think that there are hospitals that aren’t following the proper procedures when dealing with records.

I’ll wait until more analysis of the findings of this study are performed as well as see if other studies come to the same conclusion (measuring against the 6 European countries that this study used).

Exactly. I use Facebook a fair amount, but have an app called Social Fixer that basically curates and keeps a lot of the garbage that they send off of my page.

Disaster Capitalism at its worst.

It will seem so if you’ve seen The Seven Samurai or The Magnificent Seven.

Exposing what? That they can make it look like people say things that they didn’t say by ‘creatively editing’ the video that they take?

Not just our arsenal, but also the safety and security of all of the nuclear plants we have in the US.

Attacking a person instead of their argument is the sign of an imbecile.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t know jack or shit outside of their own little podunk town.

I am not even a NY resident and I know this is going to be a self made disaster on a scale that we have not seen since Bear Stearns and AIG fucked up in 2008. Pulling the plug on such a vital project is an economic death sentence for NY and all adjacent states. Add the proposed steel tariffs that will surely

Don’t give the Cheeto bandito any ideas. He might just decide to spite the entire eastern seaboard and demand that the military dynamite the tunnels in and out of NYC closed.

Well, we can thank a lot of Republican lawmakers in DC for that. They’ve been pushing the ‘infrastructure spending is always a boondoggle, therefore we shouldn’t waste money on it’ BS for a long time.

3) repeal of the prohibition on making one’s own wine and beer.

That might be due to the people who you thought were Republicans and conservatives are actually closet authoritarians. Unless you hew to their way of thinking, you’re as much the enemy as anyone else who isn’t them.

As I just said to you, give me one rational argument as to why a civilian needs to have the ability to own such a deadly weapon, which can kill dozens without even trying. It is literally a civilian version of the M-4/M-16, which are carried by the military.

How exactly am I stretching it? The people that are non-ironically telling physicians who have actually seen and treated these wounds that they are completely wrong and lying are the same people that want to be allowed to keep the weapons that are causing those same wounds.

The people who argue that the doctors are wrong want to keep being able to inflict these grievous wounds on others. So of course they’re going to say that the experts (who are having to deal with the aftereffects of shootings) are lying.

It’s kind of funny that they would argue that drinking scotch might be ‘intimidating’ to women. Especially since Johnny Walker Black Label is the only scotch that my mother-in-law regularly drinks.

What does Steele get out of it? He has been with them for decades and they haven’t changed a bit, at some point he has to pack it up and leave the Republicans.

Sadly, this is standard fare for the evangelical types. They don’t care about destruction of the Earth because their either believe that God won’t allow us to destroy ourselves (as if), or that it won’t matter if we destroy the planet, since they’ll be taken bodily into Heaven before everything goes to hell.