
You really are funny.

So, you’re clueless in that you can’t see obvious sarcasm in my first post instead of a literal argument? That’s why you’re accusing me of using a slippery slope argument? You’re funny.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that the Earth has infinite land mass.

Except that I’ve seen it happen in action. A wealthy physician in the neighborhood my in-laws live in thought that since he was wealthy, he could disregard drought restrictions because ‘he had the money and he deserved to use as much water as he could afford’.

Sounds to me like you completely missed the issue.

Yeah, you know? Why not just let all public access areas be bought up and closed off to the poors.

Not without Martin Landau and Barbara Bain. Much like Babylon 5, some shows don’t need a reboot or re imagining.

The end result of anarchy is a rise of an authoritarian state, sooner or later. So, yeah, they are by definition, supporters of authoritarianism (through their actions).

Pretty sure if he isn’t part of Russian intelligence, he’s more than likely a fan of authoritarian governments. I’d wager Captain jack would love to live in a US that is a ‘benevolent dictatorship’, so long as people that will benefit him are the dictators. Those being the Republicans and/or the anarchists (also known

Are you always so passive/aggressive when someone disagrees with you?

First will be stopping more from coming, followed in the next few months by the first whispers of revoking green cards\citizenship from those deemed “unworthy”.

And that’s fine. If you like what it was offering, be our guest.

Really? I’ve seen a ton of Discovery fanboys who basically tell old time fans who have been fans for many decades to basically ‘shut the fuck up’ and say nothing bad about the show. Or that we just can’t handle change and should just slink off into some corner and let you guys be the voice of Trek fandom.

If they served investigative and analytical functions only, with zero field work and zero ability to incarcerate on their own, they could be valuable, as one top-of-the-head example.

Seriously, stop with this facile (and asinine) ‘argument’. It has nothing to do with the ‘upgrading’ of ship, but the fact that we a. have a ship that no one has ever heard of before in Star Trek canon, b. have a crew that outside of a few outlying characters sure as hell doesn’t work like a crew should, and c. has

The ones that are (R)? Yes, I have, but not to abolish it but to reform it so it doesn’t resemble stormtroopers kicking down doors. ICE serves a purpose, but not like this.

Don’t be diplomatic with socialists. Give an inch and they will nationalize every business, kill the reactionaries, and starve the country.

If you’re a scientist, I’m the fucking King of Siam.

Unfortunately, it’s been that way ever since the money men hired the preachers to sell the idea that being wealthy meant that God smiled upon you, and that if you were poor, it was because you were ‘sinful’ or a moocher.

Word to the wise, an abscessed tooth can cause sepsis which will kill you if it’s not taken care of. So yes, going to the ER for something like that can save your life, unless you’d rather people die of blood poisoning sepsis.