
Ah, a Brexiteer showing their bigoted face, finally.

As a fan of sci-fi, you should both think more highly of your fellow humans and ask yourself what sorts of agencies ICE is most similar to. It’s not any good ones and we don’t need them.

You do realize that being here illegally isn’t a felony, right? That most of the people being deported right now are people that have been here for decades, haven’t caused problem or committed crimes, and are decent members of society?

Hey, if he/she didn’t have the victims to blame, then they wouldn’t have an argument.

Mainly due to the fact that we have no way to actually do it? We have no spacecraft that could drag it there, and it would take a lot of fuel just to move it out of low earth orbit.

Other than to BS the rubes, not really.

So would I, but I somehow sincerely doubt that the reasoning behind these tariffs has anything to do with wanting our own green energy sector to do better.

Finally, taxing import of these panels helps pay for green energy incentives.

I’ve watched 2 episodes and been keeping track of others from friends who have watched it. The show is puerile, shlocky, demeaning from an intellectual standpoint and has nothing that one could call Star Trek like the original series or any of it’s offshoots through the 80's and 90's.

Yeah, when I read that I was like, WTF???

Please explain such an uneducated comment. I mean, you can’t really believe that the 2nd Amendment will save the US from becoming a dictatorship.

It’s not even incompetence. They are actively trying to subvert our government and the way it’s been run ever since they got into their positions.

So, you like the idea of living under a ‘benevolent dictatorship’, is that it? Except for the fact that it sure as hell isn’t benevolent.

It’s also possible that they never saw the original Cosmos. Carl Sagan also made comments about science ending up being pushed aside due to mysticism or religious dogma quite a few times (especially when talking about such luminaries as Pythagoras or the state of the world and science during the time of Kepler).

So, somebody with no qualifications other than a cult of personality is going to try to take down a decent, hard-working politician because of what? He isn’t progressive enough? Glad to see that when the chips are down, the only talents that the American Left has is to tear itself apart. Worked for us in 2016, it

Just gotta ask. Were you ever asked to do something in the spirit of that oath that every fiber of your being tells you is wrong? How did you handle the situation?

And HulksRevenge is right as well. When you’re talking about military intelligence, releasing information that is supposed to be classified (no matter how much it could blow open a string of bad or illegal acts going on) through the wrong channels (and Wikileaks is most certainly a bad actor, as we’ve come to find

George Carlin put it much more succinctly years ago:

It’s the only way that they can fund the eventual push to either dismantle the nation by getting rid of the Constitution, or at least finding ways to get rid of the 13th thru the 15th Amendments.

So, it’s better to have a worker have 2 or 3 jobs so they can survive? I mean, if you pay a very low wage (one where the person doesn’t make enough to survive on), then that person either has to get multiple jobs (which closes jobs for others), or has to rely on financial help from state or federal government programs.