
Do you think this very small group of people represent the majority of wealthy people?

I know this may be a dumb question, but, why do you think that this so-called ‘raw water’ is anything other than something that a really really stupid person might drink?

You’re trying to argue that someone who is actually going much further than any modern president has gone with rolling back federal rules & regulations is basically ‘business as usual’.

Nah, he’s just your run of the mill douchebag thinking he’s hip and ‘with it’.

Pai is basically Steve Buscemi’s “How do you do, fellow teens?” character from 30 Rock. Well, except for not being funny in the least.

Actually, I would argue that unfettered capitalism is bad. Which is where we’re at right now. Once you remove any and all restrictions, capitalism becomes its most inhumane.

They don’t want to ‘dilute the brand’ by having poor people walking around with their clothes, coats, etc. on.

He’s the type that would piss off everyone at school, then go running for the teacher when he had an angry mob after them. Probably also did it with his parents as well (piss off the neighborhood kids, then run for their mother or father when they had enough of them chasing them).

I have no confidence this is anything more than a PR stunt, as it has been for every president in the past. Signing this “authorization” is nowhere near enough to put people on the Moon.

You kids have no idea. You just have no damn idea. Thank the gods, you don’t have the barest clue.

Part of that is due to many of the people who have studied our history have never believed that we as a nation would put someone so completely and woefully unprepared and useless in the role of President.

Personally, the comparisons to Reagan interfering with hostage negotiations to make Carter look bad seems the most in-line with these acts, morally speaking.

Where Billy Boy went wrong is he lied about it.. If he had owned up to it and apologized, then though the moral crusaders would have been on his ass, eventually they would have forgiven him. But instead, it turned into a political stink.

The difference being that, if enough people start trading in their bitcoin for dollars, there will be a crash. I’m almost expecting to see one soon, if the ‘value’ continues to go up and up.

It has value when I can go to a store and fucking spend it! Why is this so hard to understand? Bitcoin is worthless because it’s useless.

Still ugly as sin.

Not really. If you didn’t have capitalism (see Soviet Russia) then you wouldn’t have corporatism even though they had a massive government. What businesses that did exist in Soviet Russia were themselves extremely powerful government backed monopolies.

Umm, yeah, it did. Or haven’t you ever heard of the issues that major cities had with choking smog? Or the many times that the Cuyahoga river caught fire? Or sites like Love Canal and others that were used as dumping grounds for toxic chemicals and then turned into areas for people to live.

They’ll never admit it, but the Republicans (and right wingers in general) actually have always wanted a ‘free ride’. Why do you think they’ve been going out of their way to force unions to cover those who choose not to join without having to pay anything for the privilege?