
Doubtful. Garth was impulsive and brash, but he wasn’t anything like Lorca, based on the little written about the character in canon.

That’s why a lot of fans of classic Trek have issues with the JJ-verse. He made a Star Wars film in the Star Trek universe. And it showed, painfully well, in fact.

The best episode (2 part, in fact) of DS9 that shows that there are still people, including Sisko, that will fight to shall we say the ‘moral center’ of the Federation was Homefront and Paradise Lost.

From everything I’ve been reading, pretty much. All they’ve been doing is going around and asking the people to fill out paperwork, then rushing their asses back to San Juan and the safety of their compound.

If you are looking at sexual misconduct and truly want to be open about it, don’t limit it to men. I’m male and have had many more women managers than men and have experienced some truly uncomfortable situations. Let’s not pretend that women don’t hold positions of power or are incapable of sexually harassing or

But in reality (and not your mind), the case of unfounded allegations are the exception, not the rule. But for someone like you, who points it out, you seem to actually believe that the bulk of women that accuse a man of sexually or physically abusing them are doing so not due to a crime being committed, but due to

I’d be happy if we could just stop the continual upward flow of wealth to those who already control the vast majority of it. Actually doing something to move some of it from the Have-Everythings to the Have-Nothings would be a near miracle at this point.

There’s also a rumor going around that Rey may somehow be a child of Palpatine. It’s kind of out there, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility.

Whatbaoutism, it’s not just for Russians anymore.

Based on what he’s been posting, he’s either an anarchist or libertarian (of course, what’s the difference?)

There’s already talk that they plan to do a Mirror universe episode in the first season, so it certainly sounds like they’re going “Hey Trek fans, look! Some shit that you loved from the original series, we’re going to put it in the show in the hope that it will get you to pay us to watch it!”

I say it would have had potential as a generic sci-fi series without the Star Trek name on it. I might have actually given it a chance.

the useless, generic “thoughts and prayers” tweets are just a selfish way of injecting themselves into the conversation while they pat themselves on the backs.

Pretty much. This is SOP for elected officials throughout the world now. Disaster capitalism. If they can’t legally do the things they want, wait for a natural or man-made disaster to happen and then force the issue on the people.

Actually, yes.

No, Russia truly is a shithole. It wasn’t a lot better while the Tsars were in power, but it got exponentially worse after the Bolsheviks took over. They’re also bigger bigots and racists than the US could ever hope to be.

Scientist report that most of the warming is being absorbed by the oceans. Which is not good for the oceans nor for ocean driven storms.

Climate is changing, no doubt, nobody call tell how good or bad it will be... For all we know, Siberia can melt and it will be the next lung of the world with the most fertile lands the world has never, ever seen. Is that bad ? No. Some places with moderate climate might be dry as hell while the Sahara could

It’s going to become standard at this point under this administration. Hell, Comcast and other major internet providers have been raking in tons of federal monies that were supposed to be used to upgrade and modernize their backbone systems, but most of it was used to pay dividends and bonuses over the last few

Especially since there were dioxins being stored in at least one of the sites that was flooded. You know, the shit we used to make Agent Orange?