
Money is less important than peoples lives.

Standardization only. I also would not want the Federal government in charge of the tallying of votes either (as there would be too much of a chance that someone would definitely screw around with it).

Yeah, but it’s obvious that we can’t trust any of that ‘new fangled’ technology, according to some people. Better to use outdated ways of casting votes (ones that can actually be messed with quite a bit easier than electronic means). Most reputable electronic voting machines will have some way to audit the voting

Work has to give you time to vote. Your boss doesn’t have a choice in that. And democracy is inherently hard. You should know who or what you are voting for.

Nice to see that you put your real face out there, at least. You’re obviously all for making it so only certain groups of people have the ability to vote (and by doing what you suggest, it would take the people who have the most to lose completely out of the mix...that is, those who most times don’t have the ability

Paper. Pen. Public count at the precinct. Now.

If that’s literally true, then why do we have safeguards on anything? I mean, if we take your ‘argument’ at face value, why do banks bother with safes, since they’ll just be easily broken into anyway. Why use software that encrypts information, since someone, somewhere will obviously break it easily.

Tell me one thing “the federal government” does that you would put faith in.

Either that, or demand that some across the board safeguards be put into place to keep electronic voting machines safer.

After following this story for the last few months, it was obvious the owner was solely interested in the name more than the people that worked their asses off for the Voice for so long.

I’m wagering the reason why he finally gave in and let a few people in was in the hope that he could dig into any of the recovery funds that will be flowing at some point in the future.

Short of deprogramming, I don’t see it happening to many of them.

It also gives him an excuse for digging into any relief monies that are handed out once the flooding recedes.

Not only that, but there’s already at least one lawsuit out there that is willing to make the accusation that they knew about it since the 70's, and then actively hid that information and passed on lies and obfuscation so that they could continue doing business as usual.

Listening to you, it’s too bad someone didn’t give you a few ‘blackout’ parties when you were serving. Sounds like it might have gotten your head on straight.

He and all the others don’t give a shit.

These are people that still don’t understand the ‘Streisand effect’.

Whether some people believe it or not, Trump sees himself as a dictator, and can’t understand why people don’t just do the things he demands. With his Svegali Bannon whispering in his ear, he’ll do anything and everything he can to tear the nation apart (all while finding new and interesting ways to funnel money from

Not only that, but I would argue that the federal government did our nation a disservice by not trying (and if necessary, executing) the ringleaders of the CSA. If nothing else, it would have shown the fruits of what happens when you engage in outright treason against you mother country.

The city has been trying (and passed a resolution to remove the statue), but it is presently tied up in court. Until the court case is settled, the statue will stay where it is.