
Whatever, ITG. I live here, I know the scene, and I know many of the cops. I also support BLM and consider myself pretty damn liberal.

Do you live here? No? I do.

How can they believe that he was scared when he did it? People who were there stated that he ran into people, backed up, and then plowed through them again.

I hope the parents of the deceased woman sue the city to bankruptcy for her wrongful death. This was completely avoidable.

When you have to lower yourself to using childish insults to get your point across, then you already lost the argument.

If these Kinja sites are as bad as you posit, then why do you continue to come here and post? I mean, other than that you like acting as if you’re a victim or are a closet masochist, that is.

Christ, I only thought people like that showed up in movies as the typical male oaf/macho ass.

I keep saying that the best way for Dems to win against the bullshit that the Right keeps throwing about being so cool with abortion? They need to explain that while abortion needs to continue to be safe and legal, they will do everything they can when in office to push legislation that will help to keep them from

You want to attack my value system? Go nuts. My value system is how I choose to vote year in and year out. I’m sorry that I’m not a mindless automaton who voted “D” for every election, but if the price to pay for a better country is the vapid scorn of inconsistent voters like you, then that’s a price I’ll gladly

I’m wondering why you feel that way? The Doctor is an alien who can change their form whenever they are near death. So, simply put, the Doctor doesn’t have to follow narrow human ways of doing things and can change their sex. It’s was already inferred in the past that Time Lords could change sexes (however, it was

I hear Danger Island, and all that comes to mind for me is....

Unfortunately, it would have been almost impossible to condense the book down into a movie had they done it any other way (unless they made it a 3 1/2 hour film, that is). I told my friends that saw it that if they wanted to get the real meat of the story to read Sagan’s novel as well.

You really believe that he gives a shit about going back to space for good reasons? Hell, he’s not in control of his mental faculties! His reply to what Aldrin says pretty much proves that.

I’m actually going to flip the bird to anyone that says they voted 3rd party if the AHCA somehow actually gets signed into law. And then laugh in their faces when they finally realize that they’re just as fucked as everyone else when they can’t afford to see a doctor anymore.

It would probably have been better that way. It might be something I’d be willing to watch if it was some generic sci-fi series. But from everything I’ve seen so far, it sure as hell isn’t any Star Trek that interests me in the least.

We’re talking about a company where the guy that runs it absolutely loathes science fiction. I’m guessing that he saw that people liked the ‘09 movie, and felt that they should go that route.

They won’t be happy until they are able to treat the rest of the citizenry as if they were nothing more than living objects.

That’s not a counterproposal, that’s a list of things that are expected to be done with no negotiation over it. Those are the types of things that someone who is trying to bust a union does (and that is exactly what the new owner is trying to do).

I think he’s trying to point out that the federal government grew by leaps and bounds (especially under the Reagan administration) during Reagan and the Bushes, and saw a large contraction during the Obama years., if people start dying due to lack of medication, there will be enough of a public outcry that the conservatives will fold.