
Who puked on that car?

...just as much as your standard liberal fears gun culture

Pretty sure we’ve seen this before.

Unfortunately, the best you’re going to get with that is the online MMO Star Trek Online.

I will agree with that. Decent IPA’s all have their own little flavor quirks, while many of the others make you wonder “Did I just drink a beer or degreaser?”

Hard to believe that Robert Beltran (of ST: Voyager fame) was in that film.

Yeah, the 80's band was Fee Waybill and the Tubes. :)

BUT it’s basically Dreadnought! blown up into a summer tentpole flick. When I was a kid, that was one of my favorite TOS novels.

Anyone notice the name on the file that Poison Ivy pulled up?

The subject of the search is not a US citizen and so has no constitutional rights and no means to appeal.

I guess it’s just due to enjoying so much of the established canon that makes me look at this and give it a solid ‘meh’. I just don’t see anything in this show’s trailer that grabs me, at all.

I think the suits at CBS actually believe that people will swallow the bullshit line that “Oh, this is the Prime Universe, but we’re going to try and steal a lot of the look of the Kelvin timeline (because we can’t legally use that timeline without Paramount’s permission)“.

Nerd? He’s a corporate lawyer - he wouldn’t know one end of an IP address from the other.

Hell, the Fox & Friends crew actually made the ‘argument’ that health care coverage is a luxury for those with pre-existing conditions, and that it’s a cost that is ‘too much for the US to have to pay for anymore’.

You see, “Climate change” as a movement is about people who lacking religion still somehow need to believe they live at some critical juncture in history and are annointed to save the world, because they are important. They don’t and they aren’t. Politically it is like any other cult predicting the end of the

Yeah, pretty much.

I don’t think he’s a lunatic. But he does sound like someone who is starting to deal with dementia. His comments never, ever seem to form into anything that could be construed as coherent in any way.

Well, I can agree with you on that. The problem is that no one bothers to actually teach people how our taxation system works.

Unless he’s trolling, he’s someone who actually believes that the income that he gets from capital gains should be completely free and clear from anything affecting them.

We’ve already seen the results of so-called ‘trickle down’ since it was started in the 80's. And even after 30+ years, it still doesn’t work. Mainly due to the fact that it can’t work, ever (outside of an economics book, that is).