
Anyone that tries to use the term ‘double taxation’ non-ironically is someone who wants someone for free, and they don’t care if they’re screwing a few hundred (or even a few hundred thousand) to get it.

Norquist is no different than someone like Steve Bannon. They both want to see the working of government completely broken down for the bulk of the nation, while it is quietly and stealthily built up to enrich and protect the already vastly powerful and wealthy of the nation.

Do you believe that any man who eats a meal with an unaccompanied woman (who is not their spouse) is being unfaithful to their spouse? If so, then I’ve obviously been unfaithful to my wife of 24 years for the last 15 of them!

Is that why right wingers constantly blame everyone else but themselves when they do despicable and illegal shit? Seriously, I can’t remember a right winger or Republican that has taken responsibility for any of their actions in just about my entire life.

They seem to also forget that NK is snugged right up against China. Somehow I doubt that the Chinese are going to just sit still with their thumbs up their collective asses if NK actually finds a way to miniaturize nuclear payloads enough to mount them on a ballistic missile.

I’d wager that you personally believe that we should re-segregate the military, if you find nothing wrong with what STRATCOM did here.

At this point, it’s only a matter of time before these companies start arguing that they shouldn’t be forced to actually carry out a transaction once money has been received for service to be rendered.

If that’s your argument, then you obviously also believe that the company you buy said ticket from has the right to keep your money and deny you access completely, right?

Part of that is also that they don’t look for people who are intelligent anymore to be officers. They want people who will follow orders, and won’t question them.

The biggest proof of it being anthropogenic is the fact that scientists have been saying that if we were following the natural course of climate on the planet, we should be on the way to a 100,000 year slide toward global cooling. Obviously, we aren’t.

Good to know that you don’t have a problem if the cops see you as a threat someday (even if you aren’t) and can possibly kill you remotely, without ever seeing them or having a chance to defend yourself.

Nope. Not even close.

Wikileaks started out seeming like they were on the side of exposing corruption and abuse of power. Now, they seem to be a politically-motivated organization, actively working against the US and its interests. And, in doing so, potentially endangering lives.

I’m not a huge fan of Snowden, but the general opinion of Wikileaks seems heavily driven by Team Red/Team Blue thinking.

Umm, I lived in NJ for 30 years. Don’t tell me I don’t understand how tolls work, dipshit.

I especially liked what he said about investing in our infrastructure using both public and private capital.

Really? If that’s the case, why hasn’t anyone else done it yet?

I get the feeling that these are people that don’t remember the heyday of spaceflight (like the fact that it took people who had been trained heavily to get the crippled Apollo 13 command module and astronauts back). But they seem to think that Musk can do no wrong, and absolutely nothing will go badly or malfunction.

You do realize he’s basically selling financial slavery to the people that drive for his company, right?

The best way it was explained in another article I read recently was that the majority governing party of the US and those who support them believe in a form of ‘wealth eugenics’ in that they feel that those who are poor are responsible for their problems, and therefore have bad genes. A perversion of past arguments