
Sadly, he seems to be the proverbial fool who is ‘full of sound and fury, yet signifying nothing’.

Yet you have no problem with that same tax money continually being given as subsidies (that is, corporate welfare) to companies that are making billions in profits each year? By this, I mean the petrochemical companies and the military industrial complex.

Well, in America it’s cold right now, so that proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that Anthropogenic Climate Change is nothing but a ‘lie from the pit of hell’.

As far as this idea, I was thinking more along the lines of Meteor.

He’s telling the people of Louisiana that there is no money to keep the schools open (along with a lot of other things) if a budget is not hammered out. Now, outside of telling the citizens of his state the truth, why should anyone blame him for why they are where they are today?

I am highly educated on these subjects and the idea that just because I disagree with you I must be wrong is pretty unconvincing in the absence of some argument on your side.

What he doesn’t realize is that even minor changes in climate have destroyed many civilizations throughout history. When crops failed for long stretches, when animals changed their migration patterns, these all affected human civilization rather heavily.

I took a lot of science classes. It is fine in the context of human society continuing to exist. You should take a science class.

Tons and tons of it. Luckily for us 98% of species mean nothing to us. We have a few key domesticated species of plants and animals, and a few thousands more niches that need to be filled to keep the ecosystem running. Those niches will be filled. Polar bears, or frankly all bears, or all bats, or all fish, or almost

They’re guys who probably always had ‘the help’ to take care of their children.

As someone said, hit them in the pocketbook or wallet when it comes to buying large, gas-guzzling vehicles.

Also, to follow up on this, why don’t you look at who is ending up paying for a lot of spills over the past decade or so.

Sadly, NIMBY crosses political lines a lot of times.

Do you even realise the next part of the conspiracy theory you’re signing up to is that ‘corporations’ = ‘the jooz’?

The company who owns the facility will rightly face massive penalties and cleanup costs, but unless new evidence comes to light, no-one took one decision to save a small amount that led directly to this.

It is interesting though, how we (humans) flagellate ourselves when we fuck up.

Dude, get back under your bridge and eat a few goats, mmm-kay?

Not to mention, when one of the only reasons that you’re getting work is that you’re buddies with Adam Sandler, maybe you might want to keep a low profile?

When a conglomerate controls what does and doesn’t get distributed, yeah, it does narrow down your options.