
This is what has pissed me off about the crap InBev has been pulling. While I’m sure the college kids don’t give a crap about what beer they drink, a lot of us don’t want to drink the swill that they lovingly call ‘beer’.

It’s not just replenishing the groundwater, but the need to replenish the aquifers as well.

When did they add the Wraith to the Star Trek universe?

Hell, Into Darkness would have been a helluva lot more watchable if they had gone with the storyline of Admiral Marcus and his big ass starship (the idea of which was loosely based on Dreadnaught! by Diane Duane) instead of shoehorning in the Khan storyline.

Actually, it could have something to do with the original Sith homeworlds. From what I remember (and not sure if it’s canon), their homeworlds were reduced to many of the original ones near the Outer Rim.

It’s a TINO movie.

An easier way would be to offer free relocation to any of the more intelligent citizens of Texas, remove all military bases and hardware, and wall the entire state off.

But this article “presents” itself that we are against the wall. The Sierra’s have a lot more snow than they did last year. If it keeps up the glacier will start to grow again. 3 or 4 more wet years and it will look like it did in the 1883 picture. Except to the author, who will be looking in Jellystone for it.

Pretty much this. But of course, the faithful will argue that they were perfect until the fall of Adam & Eve and sin being introduced to the world.

If this is taking place around the time of the 1st/2nd War, the Horde didn’t yet have any cities to call their own (Orgrimmar wasn’t built until after the end of the 3rd war, and they weren’t allied with the Trolls or Tauren yet (that was during the 3rd war)).

This is the only Hathor I remember. :)

When I saw the name Set, all I could think of was the joke Teal’c tells in the episode ‘Seth’. :)

Looking at it, it had the feel of the Nexus in Northrend. But I doubt they’re going there. At least in this film.

“Me not that kind of orc!”

Anyone who watched the earlier Cosmos series knows that Carl Sagan was talking about the heating up of the global climate in 1980 (due to problems such as massive deforestation and the overuse of petro-chemicals and the powerplants that relied on them). We knew that if we continued on the path that we were on back

From the trailers I’ve seen, it looks like a very updated version of Rebecca, but with a lot more plot twists and turns.

It’s kind of scary when reality starts to resemble science fiction.

The face he’s making makes me wonder if he had the curry chicken before he went to the con.

Oh, I can believe that at the very beginning it may have been grassroots. But once the people with the money and power realized what they could do with these people, it was a foregone conclusion where it was going to go.

Not directed at you, but from what I’ve seen of Texas, it’s mostly batshit crazy world with a few oases of intelligence spread out in the cities.