
The reason behind that is that the Tea Party was (in the end) taken over by former John Birchers and co-opted by the monied interests (such as the Kochs, Sheldon Adelson, and a few others).

Which is something that I’ve drilled into my kids heads since they were old enough to know how the government works and how important voting is.

Actually, Miss Piggy was supposed to be based on the looks of Loretta Swit. At least, the original Piggy did.

When they’re talking groundwater, they’re talking about the aquifers more than any water which is close to the surface. We’re talking about water reserves that could be over a hundred feet or more down.

It could be the same issue that Star Trek fans had with the Borg. When you use a certain ‘big bad’ often enough, people get very sick of seeing them (even if they are still ‘big bads’).

You’re the only idiot here, by making the argument that a blastocyst of very early fetus should take precidence to the life of the woman carrying it and making the decision whether to continue or terminate their pregnancy.

It’s nice that you see women as being nothing more than walking wombs. At least that’s the feeling I get from your asinine statements. How long until you deman that they have their rights as a thinking being taken away once they become pregnant?

If you consider anything that Dr. Sensible said as being rational, you must have been dropped on your head quite a bit as a child.

Trust me, many people who actually see these fools for what they are are frightened as hell that any of them could actually be elected President.

So, rational thought and intelligence is now a sign of being liberal? Now I understand why so many people are so willing to buy into the bullshit that the Republican party shovels down their gullets. They’d rather be lied to and have sunshine blwon up their asses instead of rationally and intelligently thinking about

However, one could be forgiven for thinking someone named MacDougall would not have had this problem.

Call them out on their bullshit. Have people who know the reality of the situation explain that these lawyers for the state are pulling things out of their ass.

Actually, we’re now coming to realize that he was a useful idiot for the guys actually running things behind the scenes. He was able to whip up the American people to be willing to go to war, but not be willing to pay for it (remember when he said “go about your lives, shop, show them we’re not afraid of them!”)

Something tells me that the state’s lawyers has no clue how medical coding works, and decided that since these providers take Medicaid, they would also use the codes that are used by clinics like Planned Parenthood, without bothering to check.

What is so hard to understand about this? Why are people so intent on ignoring this very basic truth?

Unless you’re Native American, you’re just as ‘illegal’ as anyone else that came to what became the United States.

I agree. There’s always going to be pretentious types when it comes to wine, but that woman was a Grade A douchenozzle (or douchecanoe, whichever works).

I’ve come to realize that a lot of people who use the words ‘communist’, ‘socialist’, etc. have no idea what those words or political beliefs mean at all. They just think it sounds ominous and evil, so they continue to use them.

What I’ve been able to take away from this whole Puppy issue (and with jackasses like Vox Day) is that they have completely missed the point of science fiction. It was a way to look at society and it’s ills from a futuristic viewpoint and see how it can be bad (or good, in the case of those ills being eradicated or at

The problem that the EPA is having is that they want to designate the area full of these abandoned mines as a SuperFund site (which would give them the money to actually go about cleaning them up). However, the people that live in the area are fighting it tooth and nail, solely due to the thought that their property