
Libertarians are anarchists in suits. That’s the only real difference.

Part of the reason why Wesley was written the way that he was is that he was supposed to be Roddenberry’s alter ego in the show. A true ‘Mary Sue’.

I thought that I also read that he was being investigated for illegally killing a bear in Wisconsin.

That does happen when the people who are presenting you with ‘evidence’ (and I use the term very loosely after what we found out about that so-called ‘evidence’ after the fact) were lying through their fucking teeth.

Except for the fact that it puts the taxpayers on the hook for all of the costs, and those same taxpayers get nothing in return.

It’s exciting especially for someone like myself that remembers the pictures that Voyager 1 & 2 took of the outer solar system in the late 70’s and 80’s, and of course the pictures taken by the Vikings of Mars back in the late 70’s.

Yes, there were relay satellites (and of course, any of the starbases) that were able to take subspace messages and send them where they needed to go. Even though they didn’t touch on it in the series or movies, messages weren’t always instantaneous.

As I said previously, the people who want to stick their fingers in their ears (figuratively) will focus on the anomalies in the data to prove their point, and throw the rest of the data out as the ‘actual anomalies’.

The issue is, they focus solely on the anomalies as the actual ‘proof’ and disregard all of the other evidence when it doesn’t fit their narrative. They only pick and choose the data points that fit what they want and throw out the rest.

I’m not saying global warming isn’t happening but I am saying we need to treat counterpoints more seriously.

Except that you’re wrong.

What part of ‘equal protection under law’ do people like yourself not understand?

So you believe that ‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others’? That the 14th Amendment shouldn’t apply? If that’s the case, why was the decision in Loving v Virginia made the way it was?

They are allowing their religious beliefs to override the law (or in this case, the 14th Amendment), nothing more. It’s somewhat akin to the people that thought that miscegenation was a good thing, since the Bible supposedly said that people of different color should never mix, especially in marriage.

I’m looking at that, and KNOW that it’s Beyonce’s face. But it looks like a Hulked out Teal’c. :P

One wonders what she would have said if one of the graphic novels they had to read was the Maus series I & II.

When I read about people doing things like this with literature (and yes, I think many graphic novels are right up there with many other works of literature), I think it comes from their upbringing and not being willing to expand their horizons beyond that upbringing.

Pretty sure that’s from an episode of Batman:TAS. That’s Clayface.

Yeah, I found that out when I worked for a supermarket in HS and college. You don’t realize how utterly disgusting some people are until they have to use a public restroom and leave you with the hazardous waste dump afterwards.

Seeing it was the CFPB who went after them, I’m doubting that much of the settlement will go to pay the lawyers. It was done by PayPal before it even saw the inside of a courtroom.