
It’s not so bad as long as you go into it realizing it’s a decent popcorn movie, and not much else..

I’m glad my wife was never brought up that way. If I did something wrong, and I KNOW it was wrong, she’ll call me on it and kick my ass up between my shoulder blades (metaphorically, of course) if I don’t stop and realize it.

Well, things would be bad, but to reach something like the planet Venus level of bad, our atmosphere would have to become 90 times as dense as it is right now.

Rare earths wouldn’t have been a problem if over the last few decades we had been trying to think of ways to start mining asteroids instead of ripping apart the Earth (and poisoning the environment) for them.

You must be insane then. The Space Shuttle program has been dead for quite some time. Why do you believe it still exists?

Actually, you sound like someone who hopes something like the movie ‘Elysium’ becomes reality, and that you are one of the people on the space station (or possibly on a base on the Moon). Not stuck below on the Earth with all of the proles.

I do realize that you’re trolling, so this will be my last comment to you.

If you bothered to read the entire wiki entry for Pope Francis, it states right at the beginning that he had jobs as a chemical technologist and bouncer prior to receiving his calling to become a priest.

Seeing as the Pope was a chemical technologist before he received his calling, I’d defer to him as far as scientific matters compared to a industry front group like Heartland.

When they state they are believing or worshiping God, they won’t actually admit that they are worshiping Mammon. The Almighty dollar is the only deity that groups like the Heartland Institute and people like the Koch’s worship.

Well, it does lift all boats. However (and this isn’t a dig at you), some people don’t even have a boat to be lifted by, so they drown.

Yeah, I read it, and I think CaptainJack has his head up his ass. As do you.

What you call a strawman is what monied interests in the US want in the end. The biggest difference between having the federal government managing these lands versus the states doing so is that the feds will make sure they are properly managed, and when being overused that those using them lose their rights to what

Unless you enjoy being disingenuous, the reality is that the Republicans want to give the rights to the states sot that the state legislatures can sell them off. Look at who is in charge in the state legislatures of the states involved. I believe most (if not all) are in Republican hands.

The thing is, read up on how groups like ALEC and American for Progress are writing bills and pushing laws in these states to basically sell off these federal lands to the lowest bidder. The only real reason for them doing this is that there are monied interests that only care about what they can rip out of the

Yeah, you're right. Why preserve lands for future generations (even those without national parks). Why preserve flora and fauna. Let's just strip mine and drill the living hell out of these federal lands, and to hell with what is left over afterwards.

Unless you're a troll, you do realize that most of the things that we have today have come from the government being willing to fund many things that private corporations wouldn't. DARPA is the grandfather of the internet (set up for almost instantaneous communication between military bases and then expanded out into

The best way I heard it described was, the Boomers parents put into place the ability to make decent money & raise a family for them & their future. The Boomers then mortgaged their own futures so that they could live the high life, and then left the bills to Gen X and future generations.

The problem is that most people think of Dyson Spheres as being a contiguous and enclosed sphere. From doing a little research, Dyson saw his sphere as being something along the lines of a group of satellites that would orbit a system's sun to collect every bit of solar energy to be used by a far advanced

If you want an example of how off the rails the Republican party has gone in the past few years, all one needs to do is listen to the insanity that comes out of Inhofe's mouth.