
The biggest reason I don't watch a channel like Fox News is very simple. They are nothing more than right-wing propaganda (and anyone that knows anything about propaganda will agree with me). And sadly, a lot of the supposed 'liberal media' is anything but. Which is why if you want to know what is really going on,

Nope, sorry. A nuclear weapon, in the end, is a way of saying to the rest of the world "Hey, if I can't run you, then no one will." Simple as that, since in the end, a full nuclear exchange (even with what we have now) would decimate the planet. However, the Earth would survive and possibly have life on it again,

Why tone it down? Teenagers today know enough that bad things can happen, and sometimes it can and WILL happen to good people. It's no different than what they see in some other movies these days.

I'm sorry, but anyone that is going to take the ability of choice out of a woman's hands is not pro-life, they're anti-woman. You don't have to be religious or subscribe to any religious belief to be anti-woman.

This is true, sadly

And the ones that do disagree with strong evidence usually are the ones being paid (and usually paid handsomely, especially through large private grants) for being willing to muddle the actual science in the public discourse.

Why are you going to such lengths to justify your disbelief in global climate change? I mean, reading your arguments are all coming down to "CO2 is doing nothing bad, it has NOTHING to do with global climate change, stop demonizing CO2". That to me sounds like someone who is either trying to disingenuous, or

I had heard of the film, but never saw it. And it was produced by Gene Roddenberry? And had both James Doohan and William Campbell in it? Sounds like one I need to see just for the hell of it! :)

So, basically the gun that Gene Simmons had in 'Runaway' has become reality?

It's also fun to realize that they had 3 generations of Star Trek actors in the movie. Meg Willie (who played Granny) was the head Talosian 'Keeper' in 'The Cage', Wil Wheaton (obviously played Wesley Crusher in TNG), and Marc Alaimo (who played the human form of the Zan-do-Zan) as Gul Dukat on DS9. :)

I also remember an interview that they did with the director saying how they wanted Robert Preston above any other actor they could think of for Centauri, and then he thought "OMG, what happens if he doesn't agree to play the part?"

Well, get ready for Scoobydoo to come along and try to punch holes in your argument. He should be here soon, sadly.

The people who are saying it's not an issue probably believe that Jesus will come back and bodily take them to Heaven before it gets too bad on the planet. That's why they don't give a damn.

Really? You have rock solid evidence that the US committed genocide on a mass scale to deal with the ozone hole? Why aren't you bringing this to light? Or is it all made up in your mind, and you have to keep trying to push it as truth?

I have to ask though. How wealthy do you think the scientists that you are stating are blatantly lying about their studies of global climate are? I mean, you would have to be willing to take a TON of cash to be willing to sell out and lie about something that could affect the global society of Earth.

That was a great scene, and now when I watch it I can't help but start to tear up (since Liz Sladen passed).

Not to mention, no one is debating the issue with volcanic eruptions and the weakening of the ozone layer. The aerosolization of the sulfur compounds does that quite well (as noted in my first link). But I'm pretty damn sure that the aerosolized sulfur compounds that we had been putting into the atmosphere by

I'd rather trust scientists who have actually studied it versus some irresponsible, uninformed idiot like yourself. Unless you'd like to give us your scientific bona fides?

Do you know of a lot of rich scientists? I mean, other than those hired as shills, that is.