
And this is where you are completely wrong. Even with so-called 'clean coal', there is still plenty of CO2 being released. Which continues to feed the greenhouse effect. It's called a 'positive feedback loop'. Why not watch the 2nd to last episode of the new Cosmos and see exactly what this feedback loop has done

That I will give you, but we also need to go from growing so much of certain crops for 1 or 2 uses (like the fact that we grow so much corn that is inedible by humans for production of ethanol and HFCS) to growing what is needed for sustenance.

Everyone will be affected by the changing climate, especially due to higher temperatures during growing seasons, coupled with longer droughts. And you don't think this will affect our farmers, who are a helluva lot more important to us than digging more coal or drilling more oil and gas out of the ground to feed our

To the Tea Party and a lot of those who support them, they figure it's better to stick their heads in the sand...or to plug their ears with their fingers while yelling at the top of their lungs that 'they're not listening!' Or, more simply put "I'm right, you're wrong, and don't confuse me with the facts."

None of that is going to matter if the planet becomes uninhabitable within a few generations, now will it?

They're only saying what their corporate masters want them to say. That, and they really don't give a damn, since most of them will be dead before any of the really serious effects of climate change start affecting the nation and the world.

He also misses the fact that even going back to a lot of the early scientific discoveries were due to funding from the 'governments' of the time, even if they were feudal kings, queens, dukes and duchesses.

Not just anti-science, but blatant anti-intellectualism. It's always been there, but it's become more pronounced in the last decade. There are those in this country that believe that if you are intelligent, it is a handicap, not something to be looked up to. Better to 'trust your gut'.