
it’s hard to deny that the ending is one hell of a gut punch

Shady in what way? Looking at publicly available data relevant to your job is shady? Since when?

I’m not defending anyone. I’m pointing out that this article is basically saying:

If you post things for public consumption on the interwebs, don’t be surprised when other people look at those things...

Frank Dux also claims to have been there, and to have kicked everyone’s ass.


Boo!!! That was the slowest gentlest kick to the face, didn’t merit such an emotional reaction.

Care to provide an opposing viewpoint?

Kinja needs a down vote button. Most of your rant has nothing to do with the story above. Since you brought it up, the media did EVERYTHING it could to make sure a liberal won the White House.

I blame Tesla for calling something “Autopilot” when it is in fact, just adaptive cruise control that keeps you centered in the selected lane.

Now playing

I recently discovered it and it is wonderful and a breath of fresh air from the usual car shows. Really, Mr. Torchinsky nails it. Mr China will sit down on the show and go over step by step what is needed to fix a particular piece of a car. This clip is a great example of his work: how to replace the drive motor on an

So this is kind of shitty, in that, yes, Hauschka missed the extra point, but in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. The Cardinals needed a field goal, they drove down against the Seahawks defense and scored that field goal.

Bad faith breaches are absolutely a thing and exactly how one would assert the “spirit” of the Consent Decree is being breached. It may not be living document in that it’s not subject to change, but it’s absolutely a living document in that it’s subject to the bad faith acts of the parties to it.

I would actually start rooting for Michigan if the school bought a short bus that transported only Harbaugh to and from the games.

Dear Best Fans in Baseball. STOP.

I fully expect Nick Saban to come down hard on these two men and dock them a full game’s pay.

This is what I have always said. To hell with the idea that “I can do better investing it myself”. The first payment right now is about $15 million. How many people could soundly and safely park that kind of money right away? I figured that on the off chance I ever won, the first 4-5 years of payments are going to be

I can’t believe a company would release a product and not make it manageable from the web. That’s just so, so stupid.

Yeah, I hate when companies only launch on one platform. The lack of a web console is a big drawback to this device (though you can see stats and access special Disney content from Circle’s site).

Sadly, like most products that choose to go after one market first (Apple in my case), I’ll have forgotten about it completely by the time they come to a device that I actually use. Which is a bummer because it sounds like a great product.