Did his reply to tiredfairy get deleted? I was having fun feeding the troll. :<
Did his reply to tiredfairy get deleted? I was having fun feeding the troll. :<
Don't sweat the details. Every woman is different just like every man is different - you can't say how anyone will react to being called a 'lady' instead of a 'woman'. Like another commenter pointed out, it's hard to find a female term which isn't loaded with an anti-female message. Follow your instincts, and learn…
If you wish to see this training in action, simply take a look at advertisements targeted at women.
I thought that was the problem - people can't help but look at prison rape differently from 'normal rape'. 'Prison rape' is qualified rape in the minds of the majority, when in reality, it's just as much 'rape rape' at it would be in the outside world. That qualification is a facet of rape culture - It runs in the…
I see your point. Nonetheless, I don't think any setting beyond personal life or the bedroom is an ideal place for masculinity or femininity to be overtly expressed. Gender modality should be optional, not enforced or have success contingent upon it.
I work at a university with some men like you, too. They aren't respected, as you seem to think they'd be - we call them 'fossils.'
Being a former fetus, I'm against abortion...
I understand completely. It's hard when you are genuinely just a nice person smiling at someone on the street, and they hustle past like you whipped your dick out. It's hard to see a consistency in that kind of behaviour, too, just because it's so easy for 'that strange guy' to turn into, 'oh, it's Phil/that guy…
So, you're saying 'Show me attention and put aside all the societal pressures on you to 'Not make eye contact with a man, or you're asking for it' and 'If you don't make the effort to guard yourself and your body, you deserve what you got', or I'm not going to treat you like a human being'.
Are you upset because the advantage everyone's told you you have doesn't seem to have been presented to you? That you've never been able to use it, so it's not right that someone should tell you that you have that innate advantage? That's understandable, if a bit leery - 'I'M not getting anything!' isn't a good…
Then that is, of course, the belief and choice of you and your wife. But it may not be the choice of other people in the LDS church, and they are penalised or made to feel alienated because of it. The LDS church necessarily stifles the liberty of the individual (women in particular) in this case by denying them agency…
You're correct. 100% correct. The judiciary does need to realise that women are equally as capable and culpable to battery and sexual assault. It shouldn't be about 'male assaults female' - it should be about person assaults person. A crime should be about intent - that's why we have different convictions for murder…
I get the feeling you're being facile at this point, but I'll humor you.
Trash-talking to someone who trash-talked you never made that person less of a dick, though. That's why internet arguments are said to be pointless. At least by posting on a tumbler, or making others aware of what occured, can you stop the proliferation of such behaviour. I agree with you that not playing any more…
In situations such as rape and battery, that's usually because they've been raped or hit by a man. You can't seriously be saying that the courts should be more in favour of the abuser?
Per your being passed over in a female job: I think that's part of the problem. I mentioned this in some comments before; it's not untoward to say that whilst minorities and women have experienced a cultural run-over of their self-perception and cultural perception (Women going from dependant flowers to, well, people;…