
"I find it depressing that men are valued only by their ability to provide and that they're disposable the moment they are unable to do so. Do I believe that? Hell no! Does society as a whole think this way? Yes. Yes it does."

Demosthenes finds it depressing that society expects men to fit into the traditional

First of all, I want to apologise to you. In my previous post I misread you as saying 'Feminism is a pointless movement because women don't need it, because biology and Sexism is Over.' I realise now that you weren't saying Feminism is pointless because of some assumption that we are still premodern humans, but you



"Why do you think, in your experience as a biologist, that gender roles existed in the first place?"

As soon as I read this, I knew exactly what you were going to say next. Sure enough, you then proceed to make assertions about a woman's and man's innate biological value, commiting a naturalistic fallacy. I would never

Demosthenes, you are an anti-feminist (as if that weren't obvious), and you also seem to think feminism is a communist conspiracy (take a look through their comment history). So I'm going to comment here, just once, for the benefit of others reading through this thread, not for you. You're beyond paying attention to

Given the tone of the article, I'd hesitate to call this sexist against men; 'I'm not 100% sure if maleness = weakness.'
In any event, given that males are usually the more 'expensive' sex to maintain (That is, they require more energy to soldier on, they don't have the genetic redundancy another X-chromosome could

As a man-scientist - Yes. A thousand times, yes. And can we made Goldacre's 'Bad Science' required reading, too?

When you're willing to commit naturalistic fallacies, you can justify any treatment of human women as being for 'their own good'. 'Hey, chimps have a patriarchal structure, and we're LIKE chimps, right? So back in the kitchen! It's NATURAL for you!' apparently is the de rigeur at Fox News.

(Whoops, wrong thread. Delete please)

You're not wrong. And they'd have a right to be upset, just as much as men have a right to be upset for people considering them 'lesser' caregivers because of some bad eggs. I think that's the problem at issue, here. People aren't leery of male caregivers because they think they're not 'built' for it, by and large; As

It looks to me like they're trying to market upon the anime thing; 'Sailor Moon was popular, let's go with that art style'.

Un-safed Google Images is going to be intolerable to browse through after this, isn't it?

This is found art.

@BobLobLaw2013 I'm afraid one good, long look at PavlovianCog's post history proves he was not being sarcastic (viz. The kind of guy who thinks that a man who is raped is weak and stupid for not having 'controlled the situation'.)

Am I the only one who can't open their webpage to play this game?

I am a feminist, and I don't believe Notch did it.

Why, racism, of course.

I'd like to make an addendum to this comment, regarding the 'Men aren't taken seriously in childcare' remark. Well, of course they aren't, for much the same reason as described above. Children are taught from the leg-up that babies are girl things. The idea that children are the preserve of women spreads as a memetic

I don't think it was about him killing them, period, but HOW he was killing them. Attacking a male enemy, Kratos is brutal, bloody, and random (naturally); Attacking a female enemy, his flourishes are focused upon ladyparts, and drawn out uncomfortably more than a male enemy's would be. If it's not meant to be

But there's a difference between media outlets. Watching television, you're not getting the opportunity to play an idealised analogue of your will. In games, you are. Of course they're going to offer paragons of masculinity and strength for male gamers to play as - gamers are going to BE that character. In television,