
10 years married to the same woman is quite an accomplishment. True love isn’t dead! (unless you’re Aeris and Cloud)

Do you smoke marijuana? Ever made an error on your taxes? Jaywalked? Missed some payments? Well, I hope you get raped in prison. That’s essentially what you’re saying.

Prison in America is a business. Maybe some day you’ll find yourself being fucked in the shower so Scrouge McDuck can bank 13k a year off your

So when the video says like, “ripping your towel” or “yelling” then that’s a good reason to be in solitary?

If Trevor were in Borderlands or a Telltale game.

A large part of VR will be eyetracking. It’s not on the list but it’s huge. It will allow real time processing of areas instead of the whole screen allowing for better visuals with better performance. Real simulation of peripheral vision.

I doubt they would, but if they threw Ahsoka in there I would buy it immediately.

Or maybe the two of them could get together on Kickstarter.

Seriously? Hideo has millions plus his name, the same with GDT. Start working on a new game with the elements you created for Silent’ll be picked up by a publisher before you could write the code for a start screen. There are plenty of out of work developers that would jump at the chance to work with these

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I’m also against buying Kardashians based simply on his association with the brand.

It took you 60 hours to realize that. Also, I don't think it's fair to compare it to Destiny since that 60 hours is about 5 times the amount of content that game had.



I’m curious if he survived the end of GZ...

It is crazy to wonder as some places have stated some theories are true. WHICH THEORIES, DAMNIT!

Flat and wide.... Just like the ladies like.

That’s a good way to play! I hear from so many people who are taking their time with it.

Oh hell yes! I keep thinking that is why they can’t give us a release date - because Sony can’t give a real release date for Morpheus yet, and they want to release them together. Looks like this demo was played on a ps4 with at least 60fps. The graphics aren’t very complex, so maybe they could push the framerate even