
Mad Max is one of the best films of the year, and it’s expertly shot/directed. Don’t like it, fine, it’s not “shitty” by any stretch of the imagination.

This game has jump scared me more than once when I’ve grappled up certain buildings.

Anyone else start making the sound effects with their mouth?

I’ll teach your grandmother to suck eggs!! I TOLD YOU I’D SHOOT, BUT YOU DIDN’T BELIEVE ME! WHY DIDN’T YOU BELIEVE ME?!? - Stinky WizzleTeats

When it comes to health and fitness, an area I was a professional in for over 10 years, diet means very little for certain individuals. The human body is an amazing thing, and each individual’s makeup is wildly different and capable of immeasurable things.

If notifications are your big gripe, its not going to dissuade me from getting it. So far this looks like a bigger badder RAGE, a game I absolutely loved. I’d still be playing it if it werent for the fact it crashes constantly from the DLC and they never patched it *360*.

Oh glorious chrome! Saw the movie last night and it should be called “ Gasoline Orgasm”

Yeah. It’s the only game that scared me so bad I refused to play it. Then, tried again, had a nightmare when I went to sleep, and deleted it off my console.

report back

Desist, brother, for that is the path of darkness.

Damn, this is pathetic.

It’s indeed dangerously addictive. I haven’t cared for a TV series so much since Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Arrested Development.

“Containing an estimated $1000 worth of hardware and games”

I hate that selfie is even a word, let alone a cheap device created to do something that had been done before. I mean, I’m looking at the back of my Cap’n Crunch box right now while I’m eating and it has some shit about you could win blah blah send us your selfie blah blah hashtag.

It’s. So. Good.

Hope you enjoy it when you watch it! :D

I rather enjoy these discussions of the underlying messages (intentional or not) within games because it makes me think about them in a different light. And really, whether you agree with the opinions or not is irrelevant to the fact that the discussion got you thinking in the first place. Which is always a badass

No! No, Mr. Patrick Klepek! You are wrong! Any article that drags politics into my video games is never worth reading! Politics do NOT belong in games under any circumstance, and should be shunned at all times. They are just games, not reflections of current culture/attitudes, or statements about issues by the