
Quietly backs out of the room...

I’m a video game hoarder. I just keep buying them. A few days after buying a game, I’m looking for another one. It’s gotten really bad with the switch, I’m collecting games like Pokémon. 

It’s the weekend, so game time with friends and fam. Overcooked, pokken, Mario Kart and Arms

Damn! I was 24, just got married and was having the time of my life! Now I’m 34,still married, mortgage, bills, job...I blame Square!

I don’t do anything of those things so I'm good.

Shouldn't be in jail in the first place.

I have no sympathy for people who are in jail or solitary confinement. You are there for a reason, shouldn’t have done what ever it is you’ve done to make it there. Yes I am aware that there are 3...maybe 4 people ( roughly estimated) in jail who don’t belong, but there are people who have millions of dollars and

I hope she is fun

How exactly does product placement work?I’ve never been compelled to buy anything or use something just cause it was “productfuly placed” (???)... Somewhere in a movie or game.

I really don’t get the whole issue with this. It’s an adaptation, so things change. I think tone and setting is more important than what color the actors are. Man if they made Batou black, you’d people probably burn down Hollywood.

Remember playing the demo a bunch on xBox. Don’t remember why I never bout it. Might have been because Nathan drake voice was wasn't a good fit the character.

..Or you can just buy a ps4.5

Why continue to work in a field that doesn't treat you right? Games should be created with and enthusiasm, not just for a check. Might as well just get a regular job like the rest of us.


Should have been made like Magical Drop

As long as it isn't locked behind micro transactions, I'm fine. I'm not about to start telling game developers how to do their jobs.

Can anyone explain to me why games I want always release at the last possible day of the month. And why isn't this a movie yet!! (Not made by Hollywood)

Most they will get out of me is that I like Polynesian porn and I’m always looking for motorcycle parts. So if they want to send me promotional data about that, I'm all for it

got devastion on sale on psn, definetly going to play this if its anything like it

i dont know what it is, but that scene of kylo Ren stomping through the snow sticks in my mind,i really like it. But i dont remember seeing it in the film though