
I'm getting a lot of Napoleon Dynamite vibes from this video.

Oh yeah, you can guest edit me... anytime, no..all night...long? (that doesnt even make sense!!) im terrible at this.

you sir, are now my most favoritest person on the internet. stand up and take a bow god damnit, well played. well played.

Yes. Finally another human being I can relate with. “Selfie” is a distgusting made up word, and basically defines this generation.

mmm yes please, i have a thing for gun models, and reload animations. i hope it drops this year (doubtful)

looks like the love child of Adrian Brody and Jake Gyllenhaal was cast in the Uncharted movie.

never get in between domestic violence, most likely youre the one that will end up hurt.

looks sick. not a fan of dry desert looking type shooters. put it in the middle of a bustling modern city.

Had a 12 hour shift yesterday, spent all of it watching and playing Steven Universe. So awesome. Great show

It's awesome.

been meaning to watch the show.

I’ll pass on getting a brain, I rather just sit back and enjoy a good jump and shoot. I’ll let the intellects apply deeper meanings to things.

Shadow of the colossus was about killing Giants to save the princess and hardline boils down to playing cops and robbers, that’s it. Videogames aren’t that deep. Stop trying to shoe horn all this existential Mombo jumbo into video games. “Yes yes but when Mario jumps over the flag...what does it all mean”

i dont know, ive always thought an attack on titan game should be like shadow of the colosus.

cool ill buy another 3ds in 2016

Stupid nerds and their lame cosplaying (IM JEALOUS!!)

The batgirl suits looks like something out of mass effect. And I approve.

Should have told him to go eat Reikos dick. He probably was some wanna be gamer thug.

needs some editing so that beats line up with action or than that. 1000 times betters

oh and once a friend was talking about premature ejeculating, and somebody yelled out, "so you yamcha'd" or "thats called yamcha'ing" something like that. we laughed for roughly 6 months.