
we normally use that when we play any fighting game. "shut up before i yamcha you" or we yell things like "yamcha noooooo.." "yamcha!, Yamcha..yamchaaaaaaa (in solid snake voice)"

I'd say skip adding woman, as a person who's been a boyfriend and a husband and a father to a girl...taking woman on road trips sucks... Pee breaks every 2 hours, pad swap breaks, "quick"stops at target and outlet shopping, talking on the phone the entire trip. We'd never get noctis to his destination. Oh and


Oh hey it's sprites again...that's cool. And would yah look at that...those sprites have 3 whole animations to them. Looks like a great game, I'll get it when the price drops.

I was always a fan of the death animation and when the enemy dies and just becomes a fixture on the ground. You can't walk through it, or move it but you could swipe at it and it would make blood and noises.

Happy happy poi poi, happy happy poi poi.

Money. Stocks. Shareholders. Fans jumping ship.

I hope they fix it, cause the camera in final fantasy type 0 is making me nauseous, I can only imagine what VR is going to do.

Looks like a whopper from BK

adam sandler movies are my guilty pleasure. ill see this movie and im even going to pay for it in 3D.

Hope they make a Mario game on iOS like Rayman jungle/fiesta run. Best platformers on iOS

Ive never played video games and thought of myslef as that character. its thats characters world, their journey, their decisons, im just along for the ride. Ive never liked the whole silent protagonist thing, feels lazy.

Heeeeeey it's crazy old racist Paula Deen! "I gotta get her game". -said me never.

Dont do that. Don't give this guy any more attention.

Oh hey it's using 1991 sprites. That's cool. (Pass)

Don't know about yall but howard the duck made my childhood

I don't get it. What am I missing, what's the big deal about amiibo?

he said he beat up N***** for a living, those arent people anyway. now i would had an issue if he said he got paid to beat up blacks, whites, mexicans etc.

Than everyone should be in trouble in this scenario.

whats the problem, seems like a bunch of assholes talking shit on call of duty. pretty standard stuff, i dont think he should have lost his job. Wheres the Union damn