
Alright another chance to brick my system. I always have the worst luck when it comes to these updates.

I'll buy the headset but ain't buying no move sticks again.

I'd watch a super hero movie directed by wes Anderson.

I've just started in on the new order. Game is great but the audio is really lacking. Guns have no punch and voices seeM distant.

Meh. I'll get excited in 5 months and 3 weeks from now

pass. Last weekend I was replaying FF13 on psnow and it Reminded me why i Quit my favorite genre...damn boss wiped out my whole party with one cheap trick. whole team was full health and everyone had all buffs. im 30 years old, i got a wife, a kid, a full time career and a motorcyle to ride on weekend...I AINT GOT

and the Internet Comment Award goes to.......Indy-aka-Rex!!

60 hours in and i have yet to fight a dragon

lol. normally they get left out

Oh hey great if you could announce Sakura and or Sean that would be great. Thank you.

just make the game episodic and give us the first 50%

took 9 years to get to "60 percent" so...2024?

I need to get my monies worth. If I'm dropping 60$ I need a minimum of 10-15 hours of play. I'm willing to do 8 hours if they tried to do something unique with a MP. I'm not a fan of replaying games, padding, mediocre side quests. The order was never on my radar.

i concurr. definetly sub zero-ish. lol

Im more inclined to think that may have been sub zero freeze move. hadoukens tend to originate closer to the right or left side of the adomen. lmao

meh, its only an issue if you make it one. They arent trying to be disrectful or racist. Sidenote: have you seen japanese B style? oh man thats some sexy shit.

Only thing missing was a super slow fade to black and a psa tagline "think twice before you murder...NPC are people too"

Science ruined my childhood.

The next Spider-Man should be all Spider-Man sans backstory.

Here is hoping that the next Spider-Man is actually about spider man and not a date movie