
The shitty thing is now I have to go back to bf4 after the hardline beta. And I like bf4.. But I like hardline more now

I refuse watch anything that has channing tatum in it. even his is name is awful.

And you just won the Internet Super Bowl

Hardline beta than back to bf4. Driveclub, dragon age. Maybe a week or so of final fantasy 13 and 13-2 through ps now And some street fighter 4 on the weekends. That's what my feb looks like

Actually this is a reward. He gets to stay home, with his toys and video games. Stupid reason though

No no no no. Nope. Little grey aliens? I can't do it. Probably the only thing on this planet that scares the shit out of me (besides late periods,taxes and my 401k)

Meh. I already have that built in. I don't pay attention to ads on tv, Internet and real life. They are barking up the wrong tree with me

Sad situation, handled pretty properly. Never negotiate with animals or they will continue to take from you.

just go to CaliGames in Lawndale. Judy has like a million AC adapters for like 5 bucks

yeah If someone could create a Nick Offerman stage. thanks

it does that. never noticed

i normally rock two controllers. one is charging and ready to go for those days i forget to put on back on the charger

Meh I just delete shit I'm not playing any more to make room. I actually just deleted shadow of mordor, infamous, killzone. What's the point of taking up space on my hard drive if I'm not playing them

i called it 20$. I was hoping for 14.99 though, with a $5 dicsount for psplus owners. i guess $60 for 3 months of ps plus and ps now isnt too bad

Im done with destiny, I thought the dark below would bring me back in but it failed on all fronts. The second I need more space on my ps4 I'm deleting it off my system...that and codaw


Ive bought every shooter this year (last year) titanfall, killzone, CodAw, Bf4, Blacklight,Destiny, Halo Editon. But I keep coming back and comparing all the others to BF4. It just Feels so good.

People always call 911 for stupid reasons. everyone knows you only call for when your girl/wife doesnt want to have sex with you and she has clearly been off her rag for like 3 days, and youve been working out like crazy, so you know she still finds you atrractive and the kids are sleep, and you

Haven't played a good snipers only since perfect dark on Xbox.

id pay good money to see this. it doesnt need no backstory, no origin stories. just 90 minutes of super heroes going to town on each other.