
I was able to get a refund during week 1. Game is great, just needs work online consistently.

You just might be....A pc elitist

What games are these people playing in those Internet cafe? I'd really love to play something extremely addicting and life consuming . (Honestly)

Damn. I never gave this game a second thought, now I want it and blew my allocated cash on shadow of mordor, drive club and hyrule warriors and advance warfare pre load

Of course it wouldn't be mandatory. Just an option for lag free gaming.

It's basically remote play (lag). should allow your friend to download the game on their system (reducing input lag), but only allow them to play it when you virtually hand them the controller. Every thing else would be the same.

All games are flawed, it's just a matter of how much you enjoy the game to overlook them.

I said the same thing. ..but people just called me an asshole. I'd love a remaster of the trilogy.

Do you suppose the brain fuckler lives in the fuckdimension?

Why don't these guys do this to people who really deserve it, like the kardashians, kayne west, Tylers Perry?

The Internet brings out the uglies in people

I just figured that I came back from the dead, why can't they?

Wind waker wii u edition 300$

That's more like a NorCal thing. I don't think I ever seen a person dress like that in southern California

loved listening to this while playing project gotham racing. ...Think ill crank it and play some Driveclub

console 400$

sony did the same thing with driveclub. If it's not stabbing or shooting you get no ad time.

This game has been handing my ass to me and it feels good. It only gets difficult cause I didn't think before I act.

I'll buy the game cause I need something with some meat after 70 hours of destiny. Unless it's doing something really amazing (yet to see) with the dlc. I'll pass like I normally do with dlc

I thought world of war craft came out like in 1999. I could have sworn people were playing it when I was in high school