For me to get involved, It needs to be subscription based (I'd pay an additional 15$) and the games I get for free on ps3 (ps+) I should be able to stream to my ps4 for free if I have a ps+ and psnow subscription.
For me to get involved, It needs to be subscription based (I'd pay an additional 15$) and the games I get for free on ps3 (ps+) I should be able to stream to my ps4 for free if I have a ps+ and psnow subscription.
ignorant because I don't like free to play?
Is it still a free to play game? I avoid those like aids sandwiches
This really not my kind of game. Horde mode, no story...but man is it fun to play. I hope the community last for a while
I've never touched the stuff, but my 8 year old daughter plays it on every thing. My ipad, my ps3 and probably my ps4 and x1 if her friends at school talk about it.
horrible? Sir, I am offended!!!
mmmmm. I need Samara to come home with me
yearly updates, like the ipad/iphone would be awesome. I'd trade in my 3ds every 2-3 years for a new one
i hope there is more customization options with the final release.
stop snitchin, pornhub
I hate old episodes of the Simpsons (and king of the hill) the animation was awful, the voices were awful. Smithers used to be black
Lost me at "monster hunter styled" wacking the same monster for 10 minutes only to have it run away to another screen got old real quick. (I did like God Eater though, weird"
Same here. Bought one for my home office and another for my gaems vanguard. But I just like video games so buy anything I can play games.
wasn't costing konami any cash, should have let them work on the game and judged the final product. I don't like when the little guys get dicked around. Not much I can do, but I'll show my support with my wallet by Not buying any metal gear games.
It's like going to Six Flags and than complaining about there being too many roller coasters and not enough art exhibits and wine. Bay blows shit up, its what he does and what he is good at. is still pretty scary.
I can watch scary movies all day long and not flinch. Anything remotely scary in a game?...i turn into a 32- year old- 12 -year -old -girl
The first scare ruined me. I yell so loud my wife and daughter came running in the room. I turned it off and just watch a stream of it. Can't do it
I got 3 nipples..I'd probably be hung, drawn and quartered in japan
I hope akibas trip comes to ps now. I got rid of my vita and all my last gen consoles.