
Yoink! Thanks for the list. Just got a Wii u last week and I only owned a wii long enough to play twilight princess with.

The coolest looking kart is all I need to win races

exactly. ::high fives::

damn I traded in my xb1 friday. I should have waited

"I bought my ps4 to play ps1 games..."

Actually this is really awesome expecially when compared to anything released as "rap" in the last 14 years

Because in 50 years we will have the ability to regenerate health instantly but that won't matter cause we can just come back to life when we die...Over and over. Dev shouldn't talk, they should just stay in the kitchen where they belong and make games.


I played it on ps3, ps4 and xb1. I loved it but I got my fill. Games with little to no story (like Borderlands, bioshock infinite, dishonored etc) don't hold my interest for long.

uh..I don't know..Video games?

She always reminded me of Jessica Chobot

I always hoped that at some point Cortana would take over as master chief. She is just infinitely more interesting.

I hate when people hack, or play fake videogames in movies or tv.

I want my 120$ back. I think I bought socom and brink that month!!

It's all a conspiracy by the Nihon Hikikomori Kyōkai to turn us into Hikikomori.

damn. this was the one game i can say i was really looking forward to this year.

damn they heard me, they really heard me. smart move, it was going to get ate up during the fall. now release it as $30 bf4 exapansion during the summer 2015 game drought.

"damn that game looks amazing and ground breaking, can't wait to play....what..not 1080p? Oh fuck that game"

gaming is doomed. Now every developer is going to try to make these kinda crap games for a quick buck.

I probably play a game or two a day. It's normally a toss up between killzone and BF4