
I've been an advocate of using real names for years, being able to post anonymously gives people a false sense of power.

Stop it. It is no where nearly that loud.if that's the case you may be the victim of a horrible gag,where the low beep was replaced by a fog horn. That or your not supposed to being playing video games at night, so the beep seems louder cause your afraid of getting caught by mom/dad/wife/husband/kids

Lmao. Has GTA taught you nothing?! If you want something you take it. Come around me online with something I want,I'm going to rob yo ass!

I'm actually excited for this one too. I thought Gran Turismo 6 would be my last ps3 game..But LR:FFXIII is making its case a strong one

I was excited when valve made it seem like they would release this year before the new consoles, than they release nothing. No pics, no specs, no half life nothing. So out of spite I bought ps4 and XB1

Wooo me to. I'm on a bus heading to kualoa ranch for some atv-ing. Had to get my kotaku fix.


Lol. Okay

Yeah. Near is awesome.

Are you crazy. Never wait for psn store update and never wait for downloads, your pubes will be Snow White by the time it does. What I normally do is go into the store around 2100, down load the game..set it and forget it.. Til Wednesday.

Damn ps4 ad. Man..I'm missed out on so much. I never went to college (got lucky and went right into a good career after highschool) and I only have like 2 friends (wife,daugter and dogs don't count). That's it I'm going to make more gaming friends and have gaming parties! This ad has inspired me....any one know how I

People still watch tv? I've cut that cord like 10 years ago and save an average of 150$ a month with Hulu and netflix. Anything else I want to watch can just buy or rent on vudu and still save 100$ a month.

It kinda makes me appreciate a console more when you get to grow with the system.theres something about Being there at the beginning when it doesn't have many games or features have to be patched, that's appealing. It was awesome being apart of ps3 and 360 evolution in to these great consoles we know now.

But is he any good at it?

Rayman fiesta run? Is that like a new rayman jungle run. That game was awesome on ios. Can't wait.

I put on my haters hat and my hate filled socks and was ready to hate all over this. But I can't, it looks pretty cool. I'm actually excited for this movie now.

But does it play video games?

Oh hello Vita,ps3, iPhone, and ipad, looks like you guys just got new wallpapers.

Smells like papo&yo

Lol my jobs pays me alot of money to sit and a push button once or twice or jiggle a wire, the other 8 hours I'm watching netflix or on my vita and 3ds.