
The game cost 36 $ on the psn store

The game is 35.99$ in the psn store. That's almost 25$ cheaper than on console, and only thing missing is 28 filler levels on a otherwise massive game....sorry ps3 but I just hit submit on the Vita version.

Shop contest, GO!


Come on Sony, just pick up an oculus dev kit and partner with them. You don't ALWAYS have to make your own version of something. Unless you can come at 299$ and do what the rift can dont bother.

As long as it plays video games...

This is getting old.

I See a lot of parents looking for 2ds games for it. Why not the 3ds Tall, or 3ds Toast, 3ds wedge, 3ds nabi? Or just make it
like a mini tablet with 3ds buttons and slide stick, with one screen that can simulate a top and bottom screen.

Xbox one releases when ever TitanFall comes out (for me atleast)

I just want my damn nex gen consoles and November is along time from now (feels like waiting for Christmas)

Unforgivable Sony, I demand retribution in the form of a free download of the full GTA 5 game and I'd also like for my ps4 (that I pre ordered) to come with a free pink dual shock 4 controller, oh and a key lime tart. We demands it! "Tell'em Internet"

We are the same. I always holster when there is no need for a gun

Sony should have all of its major studios experiment and try new IPs out on vita.

Get off my lawn you whipper snappers!!

Meh, I remember when consoles were for video games.

That's how I felt about the first one. At least try to play the mission right first before it all goes to shit. But if you don't play with stranger you can't meet new people who want to play the game right too. Catch 22

If psn store would update at midnight I'd be playing By now. But noooooooooooo gotta wait til 1600hrs AND ILL BE AT WORK BY THAN!!!!

I'm going to ask my wife if I can bring that man home with us to stay. he is nuts and I like it

i play monster hunter on my 3ds regularly, until ps plus gave me Gods Eater on my vita.

Is it wierd that 20 years later I these still know exactly how these taste.