
Lol. I think we are the same person. ive literally been given or bought every console at launch. The first year is always the toughest, ESPECIALLY the first summer of a console launch.

Damn you 90s junk food!!!

I'll pass on brooding Tween link. I'll take the fun goofier childhood link.

Crazy I just got a Vita today and I am loving gods eater (ps plus freebie) now I hear about a second one for vita in a few months aaawwwww yeah.

The guy looks like Nathan drake and Nathan fillion.

Make mine on ps4 please. Oh and extra ram,no pickles.

You'd be surprised at some of the stuff you see hispanics write on everything here in Los angeles. So I could see them writing these kinds of messages during the end of days or while trapped on a island. (Disclaimer: I am not racist, my wife is Mexican, my daughter is Blaxican, and her Mexican uncles literally

I just want to be able to stream mog and pandora while I kill or race things in mp.

They don't know shit, they are just complaining just to complain. Devs are like modern day wizards; they can make magic from very little. Look at what they accomplished this gen.

Lmao. I rolled over last night about 2am to find my wife playing candy crush. "Welcome to the world of gaming, shit's addicting huh?" than I rolled over and laughed back to sleep. She looked like a junky. Personally I wouldn't be caught dead playing a game like that, but I like the fact that she can kinda understand

I think you had to have started playing GT from the beginning to really appreciate it. I love it, and most people I know who like GT, are people who started playing on ps1. I also buy Forza for when I just want something thats just more fun and forgiving to play.

Controller,keyboard,mouse. Is all you'll ever need to control games. you can't get better than that.

he does seem like an asshole, but when is the last time you met a really passionate person who wasn't an asshole. I like fez, come back Philly Phil.

I miss the days when consoles looked they were for gaming.

That was tight. Boy, I sure do not miss nes games ugh.

looks crazy awesome. You know your doing something right when the haters come out of the wood work.

Meh just give us a cole skin with pre order, and we will get over it.

Yeah unfortunately they are not perfect. Unlike film, games don't age well and need to be modernized so other generations can experience the excitement like you did when you first played it.

she has no idea how she got in jail, pregnant or who killed Susie. Now that would be awesome

I'd like to meet one of these people,I wonder if there normal in real life.i want know how bad does your life have to be to make death threats because your not happy a stranger is patching a video game.