
I still haven't got around to playing end game. Had to finish crysis3, spec ops the line, now I'm knee deep in tomb raider soon as I'm done with that than....Ill probably play god of war and bioshock infinite but soon as I'm done with that I'm going back the battlefield. (March is nuts)

Lmao, dude.

Nailed it. Makes the game sound as boring as a barrel of rocks...and yet it only made me want to play it again. #TeamChrom&Robin

I stop listening to rap about 15 years ago so I'm a bit rusty....I couldn't understand anything he was saying.( I'm fluent in video game)

As long as I can play video games on it, I don't care what sony does with the console or its interface. Gots tah have muh games.

I was hoping they at least updated the character models for the 3ds, maybe show the attacking characters hands/weapon/spell like in Fire Emblem awakening when you choose first person view.

There is no character designs. There is only lifeless drawn talking heads.

I'd actually like to see Nintendo freed up from the shackles of outdated hardware and move into third party games and accessories. Imagine what they could do if they made the wii u pad, Zelda and Mario for ps4 and 720. Makes my controller rumble at just the thought of it. I hate buying a Nintendo console just to play

I think I broke the game, I have a twelve man team that's unstoppable. Any one character can finish the hardest maps alone. It's on classic mode. (Rip donnel and Anna. Only a one level away from marriage,so young)

Now we know...

Wooooooo that's a lot of knowledge you just dropped. This man knows his stuff (I think)

If you spend almost a grand on a pc, shouldn't the games always look better than a 200$ console?Lmao

Why can I can name every single one of those characters,I even know their children's names. That's a lil spooky

Than say that to us instead of the arrogant Sony BS "ok we will hand job you now..but we have to save something for the wedding night"

Why did that guy get to see battlefield 4, I bet he doesn't even play video games. I'm willing to bet that he wouldn't know bf4 from a can diced pineapples.

That controller looks like something madcatz would have made in 2001 and $429 and $529? That doesn't look right to me..if you want to get into my pants(wallet) 399.99 and 499.99 is the ticket.

Ill be grabbing this in the morn. What's up with the crysis 3 review?

I'm sure we won't know the price til e3.

So ambitious... But all I smell is another Advent Rising game.

Game should have been survival horror. Xenomorphs should have been running along ceilings and flanked you. Remember the Stalkers in dead space 2. Man.