Makes us sound like evil wizards. Lol
Makes us sound like evil wizards. Lol
What he hell is going in, in the last week I have been bombarded by countless "Harlem shake" parodies is the new thing or what?
Honestly this doesn't bother me too much, only because ill be keeping my ps3 when I buy a ps4 instead of the trading it in. The ps3 is still a good bluray and Netflix(other streams) player, and ill retire it to the living room.
I've always seen horror to action as a natural arc , especially when it's the same character in the trilogy. The first game is scary to the main character because things are new and terrifying and unexpected things happen. By the second game the character knows what to expect and has become accustomed to the…
I'm very impatient and couldn't wait any longer, so Thursday morn I went to target, bought two 3ds and ocarina of time, downloaded fire emblem and have been enjoy FE:A ever since.
If your willing to pay for it and they still won't give you what you want. TAKE IT! More power to you brother.
Free to play vs 10$ so if I spend 10 real dollars in game do I get all the tracks and cars?...I didn't think so. I normally don't hate on EA, but this micro transaction stuff is garbage, they just ruined real racing.
Don't buy the game,if no one buys the game, I guartentee they get their isht together.
It's rare that I do that. Most times I stick to the mission or explore and try and blend in.
How is there so much negativity about this, we get new consoles once every so many years, it's exciting to see the new faces of console gaming. New games, new controllers, I can't wait.
I've noticed that when there is micro transactions, I eventually run into the inevitable pay wall. Honestly, who is going to pay 65 dollars for a game and than pony up extra cash to beat it faster.
I play a lot of shooters, all of them really. I'm in a constant rotation of bf3, far cry 3 and blops 2 ... And something about this game doesn't feel right, in the beta guns had no punch, everything seemed floaty and it was ugly.
I mean it was cool for literally like 5 minutes, but after that there's no point, theres no goal or end game. Doesn't hold a torch to rayman jungle run.