“I am Mac from Always Sunny on that episode where he’s bummed that he’s apparently the only kid that didn’t get molested by the gym teacher. When people share their stories about street harassment, I feel left out.”
“I am Mac from Always Sunny on that episode where he’s bummed that he’s apparently the only kid that didn’t get molested by the gym teacher. When people share their stories about street harassment, I feel left out.”
At first I was confused like “what? That’s a totally normal puppy” and then I saw THE HUMAN EYES OH MY GOD. I don’t know if I want to snuggle her or call an exorcist. Maybe both.
Yeah except bread is like eating a sponge and dates are candy so you should be eating dates anyway
Cracked is amazing. That is all.
Wait, cops just defended a black anti-racism protest. -single tear of joy-
Yeah haha to this day I don’t know if that’s a ‘50s thing or just a weird thing...
My friend’s grandmother went on a date with Elvis! He gave her a ring to wear at the beginning of the date and asked for it back at the end. That was the only date. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes, obvi, I’ve been depressed before and I know how it works. Their actions were clearly one of the factors, however.
My problem with them burying her as a boy is not so much that I think Leelah is somehow still conscious and offended, but that it says they aren’t at all sorry about how they treated her in life. And they didn’t just misgender her in life, they also cut her off from all possible support systems because her gender…
Yeah... ahhh I know manatees act cute, I really do. But they have those weird faces and algae grows on them and any mammal with visible algae growing on it is just kinda euurggh. I think my problem is that they remind me of dead bodies or something. Manatees are like zombie seals, because they move so sluggishly and…
I’m sorry I understand on an intellectual level that manatees are harmless and I know they’re sometimes cute from a difference but damn this would be exactly my reaction. Sea creatures are just inherently creepy to me.
I lol’d
Oh, good haha... I was getting very self conscious about my syntax. And it’s always nice to encounter other people with ADD.
I think it depends which eating disorder you have. The “driven perfectionist” thing only really applied to anorexics, as far as I’ve seen.
I suspect that anorexics are the exception, but anorexia is rare among eating disorders in that it has to do with control. Bulimia and binge eating both have to do with a lack of self-control, so I guess out of all eating-disordered people their behavioral patterns take over the average?
I wouldn’t go that far. I know someone who falsely accused a classmate of rape. The existence of those people shouldn’t be dwelled on or used to “debunk” rape culture, though - and I know far more people who were actually (as far as I know) raped. I feel like ignoring the exceptions makes *us* look like the crazy…
Rude :/
I kind of enjoy being exempt because I hate shaking hands, but maybe I should just get over myself and stop enabling soft sexism :/
omg stealing this clever insult for future needs