
As far as I can tell, any definite statement about any aspect of childbirth is angrily opposed by somebody. I have friends who angrily insist that they WILL NOT BE MADE TO FEEL GUILTY for having elective C-sections. I have friends who insist the “medicalisation” of childbirth is a mortal wound to the spirit of the

I read that Trump complained about Spicer’s suits. TRUMP, of all people, had opinions about another man’s suits. They are supposed to be adult men, why can’t they dress as such? Obama always had such gorgeous suits, Trump looks like a toddler in his older brother’s suit and Spicer looks like he won his suit at a

And, you’re not trying nearly hard enough, dear.

Fun fact: the people who will be pissed off by this skit also think the girl Ghostbusters ruined their childhood. 

Regrets? He should be thankful he’s still alive. I didn’t think I could be any more angry than November 9th, but it just keeps growing and growing.

Since this comment was made (loooong ago!) I’ve actually had 2 children, one attended by a midwife. So it’s fun to look back at this after firsthand experience ! That said, my opinion remains the same; I would make this same comment today because there *are* a whole bunch of shitty, under-trained “midwives” out there.

@wowihateyou: I got the point of your story. I think your post is a load of snarky bullshit. My mother and my older sister worked their asses of in med school, and I work in an environment were women who don't trust medicine do some serious damage to themselves. Shit like what you're posing is totally degrading and

@Loranys: Yeah, I dashed that off first thing in the morning, and having gone back and looked over a lot of the comments on the article, I realize I was pretty glib. A lot of women have been through some horrifying experiences, and it makes me question what goes on in our hosiptals and medical schools that so many

@emaline: And what I'm saying is that what you're interpreting as a lack of respect and consideration is instead medically necessary treatment that is required to save your life and the kid's.

@bremskraft1: Interesting, but, in a way, you prove my point that these things are expected and commonplace (and I'd say, therefore, consented to) when you choose a hospital birth.

@cdnfeminista: The male pronoun as the gender-neutral singular pronoun is still traditional.

@cdnfeminista: Also, reading back, I think I only used male pronouns when talking about my surgery, with a doctor who was male.

@OnlySlightyTrampy: No, doctors aren't infallible. I've had enough crappy medical care that I'd never dispute that statement. That said, why do we privilege childbirth above other medical procedures in this regard? I know about as much about childbirth as I do about setting bones, and believe me, you don't want me

@LaComtesse: But this doesn't even have to be cynicism. Many people who advocate for alternative medicine have convinced themselves that doctors don't care about their patients. Hold them in active disdain, even. In their minds, doctors are greedy butchers and whores who poison our children and carve up our bodies

@emaline: The doctor has a medical degree and a huge database of what can go wrong for everyone involved. The mother may have some warm fuzzy abstract notions about what she'd like to happen in the childbirth process, many of which probably have zero connection with the medical reality of the situation. Unless the

@wowihateyou: Really? You think "doctors and medical staff are frequently socially retarded, afflicted with god complexes, and just plain boorish"?

I'm torn.

Ugh. There is a lot to complain about re: way women are treated by hospitals and ob/gyns, but the only time it is appropriate to use the term "birth rape" is IF SOMEONE RAPES YOU WHILE YOU ARE GIVING BIRTH.